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Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 23:42
by DPUP5520
Basically runs dwipe command outside of dban itself allowing you to use this great program/wiper on any distro which will compile it. It is essentially the same as dwipe, with a few changes:

* pthreads is used instead of fork
* The parted library is used to detect drives
* The code is designed to be compiled with gcc

It isn't quite refined yet but still seems to run just fine.


Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2011, 03:29
by TwoPuppies
Any chance of providing a version of this that will work in Puppy 4.2 ?

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2011, 05:32
by DPUP5520
sorry I only compile for lupu series, I tried compiling programs for some older puppies as well as quirky and wary before and was just running into too many issues. Did you try to see if it would work for 4.2?

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 04:43
by TwoPuppies
Yes, I did try it in 4.2

As far as I can tell, the issue seems to be one of missing library files (or links to these). I had a go at providing the required links and files, but eventually came up against a problem that I could not solve. There seemed to be a conflict between the newer versions of certain library files that were required by your application, and the older versions of the same files that were required by Puppy 4.2 . Whichever files are used, there is always something that does not work. Part of the problem is that I am certainly no Linux expert, and I don't really know what I am doing.

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 05:52
by DPUP5520
I'm planning on giving Puplite a try this weekend (it's based on 4.2) and when I do i'll add in the devx and see if I can get it compiled for you. it'll be a few days though.

Posted: Sat 01 Oct 2011, 06:39
by DPUP5520
Added a pet of nwipe-0.5 for Puppy 4.2

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2011, 10:53
by TwoPuppies
The new pet works just great.
As well as Puppy 4.2, it now also works in Puppy 4.3 and Quirky 1.2
Thanks a lot.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 08:57
by ashes
Thank you for nwipe, being able to run dban out of the OS (lupu-528) is of great advantage.

Unfortunately, I have problems running it:

when I open nwipe I get the blue interface, same as dban
I select the drive to wipe either with <space> or <enter>
I select wiping options <p><r><v><m>

but how do I start the wiping process then?

I have tried wiping a specific drive via console with "nwipe /sdx" but that is not supported.
What works is "nwipe --autonuke" but I would like to use it more selectively ;)

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2012, 01:53
by DPUP5520

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 13:59
by Atle
Brilliant... could not get the F5 to work, but loaded Puppy 5.2.8, by using live CD, inserted a USB with your neat little program, installed it..

Ejected the CD and the USB and opened terminal and wrote the magic words

nwipe --autonuke

And it worked like a charm...

Great program that will become important to me...
