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Attention all Puppy app developers

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 01:36
by BarryK
If you maintain any application/script that runs in Puppy, this may be relevant to you. Please read my blog post:

You can of course just ignore it, if you don't want anything to do with running Puppy non-root, which I understand. However, it might be something very simple to make your app compliant in a non-root environment.

If you want somewhere to test your app running non-root, that is, as 'fido', grab the latest Wary

Personally, I will always continue to run as root, but offering 'fido' will shut up the critics. Those who insist that they must run as non-root can do so, and put up with all the hassles. It is their choice.

There is going to be a downside maybe. If a reviewer chooses to run Puppy as 'fido' but finds some things are broken, then it will not be a good review. So, for now, 'fido' is being offered, but if it turns out to be too buggy after a period of development, I will withdraw it.

Removing support for 'fido' in Woof is a simple matter of commenting out one line in /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown. So, any Puppy-builder can individually choose not to offer 'fido'. Or the opposte -- if I default to not offering fido, any Woof Puppy-builder can choose to re-enable it.

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 02:13
by Lobster
Personally, I will always continue to run as root
Me too. :)

Those wishing to spread FUD (Fido, Ubuntu and Distrowitch)
will always be with us. Always great to have choice

Users are not always penguin savvy
and many hexperts manage only to bleat the sheep mantras
'The root route is baaaaahhh dddd . . .' :roll:

Our own FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) is all in the mind
I may use future Fido to match my non-existent tin foil hat
. . . for now safely running Wary

Puppy returns to its roots
We iz BAD

Posted: Fri 13 May 2011, 01:02
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Running as root is a part of what originally drew me to Puppy...
Please dont let them pressure you into adding a bunch of hassles to Puppy...disabled by default....
Root forever...
Sudo, Fido, Spot.....
stay on the porch if you cant run with the big dogs...

Posted: Sun 15 May 2011, 03:36
by Lobster
m m m . . . no one seems to have mentioned why Fido is a good thing? Tin foil hats on. Paranoia dial set to max. Some scenarios:

1. Puppy is now running compatible programs from other distros
eg Dpup, Spup, Upup. If a rogue program (not yet available) requires route access for some malwarian purpose, we need to turn Fido on. The option is good.

2. Complete running (including dependencies) programs such as Google Chrome (Not yet doing too much evil) or those from may be able to do damage from within (not yet available). Chances are any such sophistication will easily bypass or enable root access. So a non standard Fido may be useful.

3. Perception. Run Fido, be hampered but feel secure and then repeat safety mantra eg 'Root baaaa ddddd . .'

4. Threats or combined combinations of Flash, HTML 5, javascript or some such created by (insert malwarians of choice) to send out any data/access of use.

Access to information is started by the intelligence community and followed by commercial and semi criminal marketing requirements. Often working in semi-collusion.

A non standard root implementation using a Quirky Fido may be the last bastion of cyber civilisation as we know it . . . :wink:

Puppy Linux
Saving the Penguin and your world

Attention all Puppy app developers

Posted: Sun 15 May 2011, 04:30
by l2ulinux
I love to use Puppy and I just hate to use any OS that has to be run any other way. If I need to go get something off my HD and have to stop and type in a password it just P's me off.
I made my mind up along time ago if I put something on my system that I don't want others to know about I just put it on a CD, DVD are a usb drive. My banking that I do on line I use a DVD with firewall setup with it. I have a firewall on my Router. So do I need to go get me a tin foil hat

I have read all the reviews that I can find on Puppy. The first thing I have noticed is that the reviewer lets you know they do not like Puppy to start with. So would this change their mind are just make the users and the ones who work to bring Puppy to us want to leave.

Puppy is not like other LinuxOS's, the big MS are Mac. It is THE PUPPY just like my little dog I call The Cricket. She is not a big dog but she will try to run with the big dogs. That has been the HEART of PUPPY that keeps it going.

Everyone that works on it has one thing in mind to build the smallest platform to do the fastest, the best and the finest desktop possible. They are getting better with each release.

I want to THANK YOU ALL for the work and time spend on PUPPY.

Posted: Thu 14 Jul 2011, 08:33
by nooby
Barry wrote
Personally, I will always continue to run as root, but offering 'fido' will shut up the critics. Those who insist that they must run as non-root can do so, and put up with all the hassles. It is their choice.
Barry is a Dev and I am a true nobody even a challenged computer user.

I think Barry are too optimistic. "Real" Linux users are not that forgiving as he assume here.

Them would feel betrayed. Only the "real" thing is enough to satisfy their hunger for being non root.

Posted: Sat 03 Sep 2011, 11:09
by nooby