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Enlightenment e17 for 5.2.5

Posted: Sat 14 May 2011, 17:55
by Iguleder
I compiled stable versions of all EFL libraries and took a snapshot of e17, for the Enlightenment fans around there. Built on 5.2.5, should work on any recent Puppy (Quirky, dpup, Lupu and derivatives, spup, 5.3).

bluez (dependency)
lua (dependency)
It's very very light, looks great and actually, it's very small - about 6 MB. I like it a lot and I think I'm going to build an e17 puplet :)

Get them here.

Posted: Sat 14 May 2011, 18:03
by nooby
As you know Macpup make use of e17 too and have a huge supporter groups :)

I am so noob I barely get what it is. I get that it is instead if JWM or such "windows" managers but apart from that I have no idea.

I get curious on your Calf OS is that going to have e17 then now when you seems to have joined the e17 fan club :)

Is there any iso with calf that one can try out or is that too early maybe?

Posted: Sat 14 May 2011, 18:28
by Iguleder
Calf is dead at the moment and for at least the near future. And regarding the "e17 club" - I have an idea for a puplet and I need to pick a base to work on. I'm not sure which direction to pick - build my own distro, use T2, Quirky, dpup, spup, upup ...

I think I'll pick either spup or dpup.

Posted: Fri 03 Jun 2011, 09:55
by StVe
Hey, this looks nice'
But I'm a bit of a noob. :oops:
I installed every .PET but what am I supposed to do now?

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011, 05:01
by DM was on fire!
StVe, back out of X (Ctrl - Alt - Backspace) and type in...I guess it would be xwin enlightenment.

I'm going to try this. :) Thank you!