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Start menu managment

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 11:35
by CoronelN
It is my opinion that puppy scares a bit windows lovers because the equivalent to start menu have a lot of programs from the moment of installation. I have been thinking hard on how to better present the vast ammount of options available on a "clean" install as to avoid this fear...

I have a slight idea of a better organization for the default menu served with any/many puppy derivatives however i hit a road block that i find important to solve / work on.

I suppose that the complexity of generating those start menus is due to the fact that we need to keep them consistent with the way the different Window Managers treat them. (Confirmation needed here)

I personally preffer the IceWM and have looking at the different posts for personalization of it. And find that editing 3 files in different folders is a bit of an overkill to add a new icon.

I know there are applets you can use to add items to the menus, but what about editing them as in removing / reordering or creating new menus or submenus ?

For once Microsoft got something right (afterall they have just the windown manager) but the way they implement it is easy on the user.

a Folder and simlinks inside that folder populate the Start menu...

I am sure that we could make a script that reads from a folder and its structure and then populates the StartMenu on the chosen WM.

Anyone with me on this ?

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 15:46
by 8-bit
If you are talking about a desktop folder that holds links to items that are to appear in the menu, look in /usr/share/applications.
There you will find links with a dot desktop extension that can be opened as text to see how they are made as to where in the menu they appear.

Start Menu and Desktop suggestions

Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2011, 05:56
by lizbenetua
So far, I have tried Easy Peasy, Ubuntu, Damn Small Linux, and Puppy Linux. In Easy Peasy, once you open it, you can already see the Firefox browser icon on its desktop. But Easy Peasy is slow, so I keep going back to Puppy Linux. I would suggest the same be done in Puppy Linux. I would recommend Firefox and SR Iron Browser be available for Internet use in . I want the add-ons I will install in Iron and Firefox still remain even after I log out and shut down my laptop.I love Puppy Linux, but the only cumbersome thing is that I can't put it on hibernate mode, and when I shut it down, I have to reinstall Iron and Firefox all over again, which wastes time. I don't like the saving session, because when I did it, it slowed down graphics when I use Facebook and play Zynga and Playdom games. But overall, I give Puppy Linux 195% rating. Thank you for hearing me out.

Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2011, 20:54
by smokey01
Here are a couple of ways you can play with menu's.

This is an alternative menu system that is easy to configure. Extract it to /root ... h&id=43068

This little gem allows you to Add/Delete/Modify your existing menus ... 381#539381