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Chromium 12 sfs

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 20:00
by sheepy

Chromium 12.0.723.0, with about 14mb shaved off by removing unnecessary locales (it has English and Spanish).
The executable is /usr/lib/chrome

Posted: Sat 18 Jun 2011, 20:48
by Eyes-Only
Thanks Sheepy as this is very much appreciated! :) At least when it comes to my HHD installs I prefer the .pet files, but when it comes to the frugal installs - which out-number my HHD installs by like 4-to-1 :D - I appreciate the .sfs files moreso as it saves room in the savefile. Not only that but one file may be shared by more than one frugal install if done correctly. 8)

Another handy little feature I picked up around the forum here was a "" which was likewise quite nice. In this manner Sheepy I was able to install these files to my HHD systems using said pet file and then mounting them with the frugals.

The best of both worlds that way! :)


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2011, 14:44
by un-named-one
Thanks sheepy for creating this chromium package. :D
It didn't work right away for me; I had to copy the files over to the appropriate place in the file system from the sfs.

Besides that minor problem there is one other thing: Does anyone know how to get the java plugin working? I've downloaded the JDK self extractor from Sun's website and run it in /opt. Now it just need to know where to put the plugin so that chromium can find it.

Posted: Thu 14 Jul 2011, 19:04
by un-named-one
un-named-one wrote:Does anyone know how to get the java plugin
Well, I turns out I answered my own question after enough poking around.
In /usr/lib and in /usr/lib/chrome-linux I created a link to /opt/jdk1.6.0_26/jre/lib/i386/

Edit: I see that I also added a link in /usr/lib/chrome-linux/plugins

I'm not sure which link did it, but It is working now.

Now the only thing left to get working is pressing and holding down the mouse button to scroll. The other scrolling works fine.

Good day to you all!

Re: Chromium 12 sfs

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2011, 18:51
by Sp3ctre18
I'm in dillo 2.2.1 and when I go to your link and click download I get

"Accessing directly the download link doesn't work. The download only starts if you click from the download page.

I'll try downloading from another PC but I thought I'd report / ask aobut this. I don't know what;s going on.