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Looking for open-source billing & invoice software

Posted: Mon 20 Jun 2011, 16:15
by Dromeno
This post may belong to the request section. I am not sure.

I am looking for a simple open source software to write invoices and especially keep track of payments. Something in between accounting software (GNUCash) and a spreadsheet. Not a personal finance manager.

In Windows I used to use Easy Invoice but for (Puppy) linux I am not sure yet what the right choice would be. I think Argentum would be a good choice. It is open source and looks very small:

does a pet or sfs exist?

This might help!

Posted: Thu 23 Jun 2011, 23:15
by sszindian
Hi Dromeno!

I don't know if your interested in Cloud stuff or not bot over at:

you can pick up this little .pet program, install it on your current puppy version and in ther are a few things thay may interest you... ZoHo has a nice site with invoicing, spreadsheets etc. There are also more on the little .pet of course, you might want to check them out also?

Hope this helps some!


poor Linux !

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2012, 20:44
by Pelo
No invoice software
What is a computer for ? Surfing Internet.
Cloud computing ? Google docs will replace puppy applications most of the time, but not for business ERP, invoices, devis

poor Linux !

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2012, 20:44
by Pelo
No invoice software
What is a computer for ? Surfing Internet.

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 05:20
by scsijon
I researched and asked about this type of package a ?year or so ago and was pointed at a couple that were to involved against what i wanted, there just doesn't seem to be something simple around.

EDIT: What I asked for was a basic 3column accounting system with address keeping, invoice creating, and a basic stockkeeping component.

The best I found that was linux was unfortunately german only.

As an alternate I was considering building my own and I had considered using 'citrusdb'. It ws somewhat overkill, but had already all the components I wanted, however my mageia puppy building got in the way and I never proceeded.

However, just having a look on freecode, maybe you could have a look at callisto and report back, I seems of more use. Otherwise you need to consider something like 'the freerP project' and that is a 'bit' on the heavy side.

Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2012, 10:10
by scsijon
try tradietrakka I've just added it into the business group

It does need qt4 though.

Consider OpenOffice &/or LibreOffice Templates

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2013, 11:36
by mikeslr
Looked at scsijon links and realized they were front ends to databases.
Googled "LibreOffice Template invoice" -- there's one. Same with OpenOffice.
Same with Template Billing. They may require modification, but that's easier than reinventing the wheel.


Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2013, 21:51
by rhadon
Hi scsijon,
scsijon wrote:The best I found that was linux was unfortunately german only.
do you remember which one?

I've just tested tradietrakka ( was missing, but found it in tor browser package which I've had) but it's too inflexible for me. Although it looks good :wink: .



Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2013, 22:35
by musher0
Hello, Dromeno.

Perhaps by now you already know this.

In LO itself (or AOO), there are already 4-5 invoice and billing templates.

You create them this way:
Open LO Base
Click on Use Wizard to Create a Table

Now you will see 2 broad categories : professional and personal. Choose "Professional".

Now you see a button entitled Categories. Click on that button and a menu appears : it will show you various templates for invoice, time billed, etc.

Click on the one most suited for you, and follow the prompts.

When finished you will have a database you can use to register your orders and invoices.
From that database, you can create a pdf-printable form that you send or hand to your customer.

There is a good general summary here of how to do it : ... -base/1315

Best regards.


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013, 02:46
by tuxta

I wrote TradieTrakka, what does it lack that you need?

If what you want still fits with our "vision", then I may be able to make some changes.

Also, I wonder how many people realise in the quote and invoices you right click the table to add predefined materials and labour. Thinking how I can make that a bit nicer.

The other thing people seem to miss is that you need to press enter on an item line or it is not added, ie a new empty line appears. otherwise it is not added.


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013, 10:30
by rhadon
Hi Tuxta,

thanks for you attention.

By now I'm afraid that there are too many changes to make, to fit my needs. The main problem, I live in another country with another language :oops: .

So I need:

* another order of adress items
* net prices instead of gross prices
* € instead of $
* VAT instead of GSM, better if 2 different VATs possible
* translating of all items (at least in invoices and quotes, done by myself, but must be possible)

* maybe another order of items in "Materials Charges" and "Labour Charges". For me there's no need to differentiate between this two items in your way, also I don't need "Name" AND "Brand" or "Name" AND "Desc". One is enough for me.
For better understanding, I'll send you an original invoice from me by PM.
tuxta wrote:We obviously wrote this software for our own country, but we did plan to eventually make it useful else where with VAT etc.
I really don't expect that you'll do so many changes for me, but if you really want to make it useful in other countries, I'd be glad to help and test (in this case, better in the other thread). :wink:

Btw., ages ago I tried to create something similar with Nantucket Clipper Summer'87 (known only by dinosaurs or mummies :lol: ). Basically it worked, but too many faults in too many modules and it was never ready :cry: . To make a long story short, I changed completely my job and forgot nearly everything about programming. Since I came to Puppy, I do only a little bash scripting, just for fun :D .



Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013, 22:20
by tuxta
Your proposed changes are pretty straight forward, keep in mind that a number of fields are optional, only there for your records, if you don't need them generally you can just leave them out.

The part that will take some thought would be the VAT, but even then I could just simply have customized taxes.

There would of course be no ETA on any of this, but I would be interested in seeing how we go implementing your requests.


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013, 23:12
by rhadon
I'll hold the line :wink:



Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 17:31
by 666philb
an invoicing app here ....

requires qt

Open Concerto will invoice you !

Posted: Fri 15 May 2015, 09:20
by Pelo
Open Concerto will invoice you !
Puppy pour la micro-entreprise : trésor de ressources, topic businness stuff by Muher0 will give you some applications able to invoice people (french spoken)
JIM s'installe with Polarpup Qt, mais c'est bien tout. We cannot invoice, we cannot sell...

JIM married Polarpup Qt

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2015, 07:37
by Pelo
JIM married Polarpup Qt
to be translated :
Aunque esta aplicación esta planteada en un principio para PYMEs que ejercen sus ejercicios de facturación sobre el sistema fiscal español, la posibilidad de configurar la aplicación de impuestos (que aumentará para versiones sucesivas) hace que los conceptos sean lo bastante generales como para poder adaptarse a la mayoría de escenarios.
JIM Invoice Manager es software libre, liberado bajo licencia GPLv3 y esta disposible para sistemas GNU/Linux y Microsoft Windows (XP SP3 y superiores) tanto en idioma inglés como español.

I am a poor lonesome businessman

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2015, 08:37
by Pelo
I am a poor lonesome businessman in Puppy land. Even JIM does not let me buy or sell anything. Could i have a little help from my friends ?
Dit you test this application ? J'en ai marre d'être l'unique user qui s'y colle ... réellement. Marre du bluff :evil: