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How to compile Gnome 3 for use in Puppy 5?

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2011, 17:29
by heri.neutrino
i got gnome3 source yesterday from my friend. but after i open the archive, i didn't find readme or how to use file. someone please help me!!

Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2011, 13:52
by Lobster
It is a little more involved. 8)

This is the last time Gnome worked with Puppy that I am aware of

Posted: Tue 30 Aug 2011, 06:51
by amigo
Compiling 'gnome' means compiling and installing over 150 libraries and programs in a certain order. If you really want gnome, you should be using another distro.

Posted: Thu 07 May 2015, 17:25
by johnywhy
i noticed there is some gnome stuff in puppy. i want to compile source for a gnome app, to run on puppy. Is this possible and relatively painless?


Posted: Fri 08 May 2015, 05:16
by amigo
Usually, the simplest real gnome app is gonna have a minimum set of depends of around 150 packages! So, good luck with that.

Posted: Sat 09 May 2015, 04:19
by johnywhy
amigo wrote:Usually, the simplest real gnome app is gonna have a minimum set of depends of around 150 packages! So, good luck with that.
but that's just for the compiling environment, right????

the executable will only contain the bits of code it actually uses, not the entire dependency package.


Posted: Mon 11 May 2015, 17:00
by amigo
No, 'runtime' means just what it says. For every package which has libraries there will be a separate corresponding devel package. Just look here for a teaser:
Remember that each of those required dependencies is gonna have many depends itself. The whole stack starts with freetype fontconfig and glib. If you install a full gnome with devel packages you are talking about 4oo packages.

Posted: Mon 11 May 2015, 18:36
by johnywhy
is gtk a subset of gnome? isnt gtk part of xSlacko ootb?