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Simply, Teaching LightHouse to SAMBA (Full Windows Sharing)

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 17:06
by gcmartin
Here is a console log for FULL SAMBA operation adding NAS to LightHouse64. TaZOC has made a Full SAMBA PET for use with both of his LightHouse distros (32bit and 64bit). His PET can be found by clicking "Update" on your LightHouse desktop(s)

The installation of SAMBA is the same for each disto (remarkably simple).

This threads offers everyone an opportunity to have a step by step to add full folder and printer sharing using a current, more secure SAMBA than ships with the standard 64bit distros. Also, this addition insures full compatibility with Windows 7.

The intent of this addition is such that LightHouse becomes a "COMPATIBLE" replacement of Window7. This give LightHouse additional armament such that it surpasses what is shipped from 64bit Windows7 Home/Basic. With the exception of RDP, LightHouse64 with this, meets services that one would get from Windows7 Professional.

If you find discrepancies in the log of this thread, or have additions to this, please post them.

Follow these steps
  1. Install SAMBA PET (see picture below)
  2. Follow steps for FATDOG
  3. Additions Puppy steps are found here
A View from the LightHouse (distro)

Hope this helps