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How do I manually save/not save pup001 to USB on shutdown?

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2005, 07:25
by JX
I'm looking to produce a version of Puppy for use in net cafes. For reasons of privacy and security I want to have my pup001 file to be in RAMdisk only. I will either load it on boot up from a USB stick, or I will manually load it after boot up. If I then want to keep any new data I will manually copy it back before I shutdown.

The idea is that when I use a net cafe I will not leave ANY data behind on the computer. In the past when using net cafes I have often forgotten to clean out the cache and so on after I leave the computer. Besides with Windows you can never be 100% sure you have destroyed everything. With all the session information stored in the RAMdisk, as soon as I reboot I know I have cleaned up properly.

I know that Puppy when booting off USB loads/stores the pup100 file from/on the USB stick. However I am not confident that all net cafes will allow USB booting, so I want to boot off CD, and I don't always want to keep all my cookies and temporary files.

How/where do I configure Puppy to load pup100 from USB and then not to store it back again? It would also be nice to load a default pup100 from CD and then update it from the USB drive.

Thanks in advance,


Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2005, 12:59
by Guest
Hi JX,

just a thought: can you use a multisession cd? From your own computer, you could configure Puppy the way you like it, with the programs you and settings you need. Then, when in the net cafe, you can save the files you need to your usb key. On shutdown, just choose not to burn your session to the disk. In this way, you wouldn't need a pup001 file on your usbkey.

If you wish to add programs or change settings, you can always do that with the mutilsession cd. Just install, then elect to save the session after shutdown.

Generally,to clear the cache and to delete cookies, you should be able to change the settings in your browser (eg, Tools -> Preferences->Advanced->History (and Cookies) in Opera; Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Cache and Edit ->Preferences->Privacy and Security->Cookies in Mozilla)



Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2005, 13:01
by JontomXire

I thought of using a multi-session CD, but the trouble is that you are reliant on the net cafe having a CD burner. More common these days, but even so.

I know how to clear the cache int he briowser, it's just remembering to do it that's the problem :)


Posted: Sat 18 Jun 2005, 00:06
by Ian
Wrap a rubber band tightly around your left index finger, the pain should help you remember.