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Successful multi-session on Mac Mini.

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 02:47
by Ted Dog
Since the early days of multi-session on puppy I wanted a box that was just a DVD with lots of usable RAM, simple plug into a HDTV and a remote keyboard.

The Apple Mac Mini running a prototype PuppyLinux ( modified fatdog64) has done all that but not as cheaply is I envisioned. I expected problems since it has a generic laptop drive that does NOT work on PCs running m-s puppylinux. But since it does not use BIOS like a PC laptop it works on MacTel without a hint of instability. Funny thing is the OSX looses count of the number of sessions on a multi-session DVD but they are there.
I have gotten the size down to 250M but it needs to be below 190M to make a super fast version frugal install in unused space found in all EFI booting macs.


Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 04:58
by russoodle
Interesting stuff there, Ted Dog.

I have a 20" Intel Mac desktop, with Quirky, FatDog64 511 and 520 save files, which must have automatically been stashed on the 'doze partition. Others, such as Macpup 525, are saved on flash drives but also used on this machine. Currently posting from Mac via FD64-520.

I haven't yet tried a m-s DVD on this, but really should.....would certainly save on media currently in use!

I like your crafty idea of using the EFI space but didn't know it could be accessed. I used to be reasonably adept at modifying my 'doze installations (back when i was still using M$), but am completely in the dark when it comes to the intricacies of Apple stuff......such lack of control, woe is me :oops:

I've been giving idle thought to backing up all my Mac stuff, then re-formatting and partitioning the drive to host much more Linux, particularly Puppy, but too slack to get it done yet.

I'm very interested in your progress...

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 20:47
by runtt21
Best of luck with this Ted. :D

boot from EFI...... kinda ...

Posted: Sat 16 Jul 2011, 23:09
by Ted Dog
was able to remaster and finally fit a version into the free space for EFI boot on Macs,

before booting from DVD only took 51 seconds

After a small script change and using EFI only 24 seconds

have it compressed into a smaller size using different compression methods in squashfs.

Full boot EFI using grub2

Posted: Sat 16 Jul 2011, 23:37
by Ted Dog
Yeah, puppy does load using a EFI boot loader (USB flash), its a solid black screen for 25 seconds <terminal stuff not visible> but it works!!!!!!!

boots into X windows.

Now to really stress my mini-mac! by-pass mac EFI loader.