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Unable to use any Nvidia drivers in Wary Puppy 5

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2011, 16:02
by Flash858
I had posted about this a few months ago, and I decided to revisit Puppy, as I was hoping that this issue had been sorted out by now.

I just downloaded and ran the latest Wary Puppy 5.

OK. I have a newer Nvidia Card. Specifically it is the GT430. I have come to the conclusion that this will simply never work in Puppy with any of the pre-compiled drivers. Every attempt I have made (37 different ways) has failed one way or another, and it has gotten to the point where I just want to use the proprietary Nvidia driver, which works perfectly on every distro I have thrown it at.

Except Puppy.

When I attempt to run it, I get errors that a package is missing and that it should be in glibc. I have glibc, and the package (yes, I am an idiot for not noting this) is l-something. In any event, having seen this before, I have updated everything it asks for, only to encounter another error every time.

It is always something is missing, or there is a version conflict.

I ran down that path a couple months ago to no avail, installing package after package, each one breaking the one before it due to versioning issues.

This should be EASY. It is just a video driver.

So then what does one need to actually installed in puppy to be able to successfully install from the file?

ANY version of puppy will be fine with me, I just need it installed on the system with full screen display.

Alternately, if anyone knows of a .pet file that actually works with this card, that would be fine too. In Wary, I tried to update xorg, and got the dreaded "oh dear" message - logging in to ibiblio directly, I could not find or determine which file I needed.

ANY help will be greatly appreciated.

I really miss Puppy, and do not want to go back to my old card.

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2011, 16:54
by 8-bit
First, did you get and install, using the menu-system-Bootmanager Configure, the devx.sfs file and the kernelsource.sfs file?
These are needed by the nvidia installer that you downloaded from the site.

Once the driver gets compiled, you should open a terminal and type "depmod -a".
That allows the new driver to be discovered.
Then type "modprobe nvidia".
That should install the driver.
Now exit to prompt and type "xorgwizard"
Pick Choose and select the nvidia driver and set your resolution.
restart with "xwin".
I hope that helps you.


Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2011, 17:44
by Flash858
Yes, did that a couple of times, but still could not install the manufacturer's driver, so never got past the point of compiling the driver. It has failed for one reason or another every time.

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2011, 19:08
by 8-bit
Did you download the 32-bit driver?
That is required for Wary which is a 32-bit Operating System.
In other words, the driver you get is for the Operating system type, not the computer type.
The driver I found on the nvidia site for your card is 260-19.21.
At the top of that driver page on the nvidia site it should say "Linux Display Driver X-86".

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2011, 21:00
by Flash858
Well OK, seem to have an entirely different issue now. I cannot find a link to the Wary 5.1.2 kernel source sfs file.

Does it exist? I did not see it on ibiblio...

And yesit is the 32 bit. This is a problematic card, i hate it...hate it...ok I love it when it WORKS! Right now I hate it...

Posted: Fri 15 Jul 2011, 21:17
by 8-bit
For the kernel source SFS file, go here.

You use the username and password that everyone seems to know but no one admits to knowing.
Then download the SFS file and use bootmanager to load it.


Posted: Sat 16 Jul 2011, 14:07
by Flash858
OK, following that to the letter after a fresh install finally let me install the nvidia driver for the first time!


However, it simply does not seem to get recognised by the xorgwizard. Is there something I am missing, or some other workaround?

Posted: Tue 19 Jul 2011, 16:10
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.


Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2011, 16:32
by Flash858
I FINALLY resolved this issue after months of banging my head against a wall...

I put the 430 card in my GFs HP Windows machine, which bumped her WEI up a point and a half, and returned my 8500 GT card to my Dell. Only 512 RAM on that card, but I was getting Xserver issues in Xubuntu as well, and I do not notice much of a difference, so all is well.

Happily running Lupu 528, Ubuntu Lucid, Maverick, Xubuntu Natty, and Win7, all without a hitch (yes, I

So not really the tree I was barking up, but it is now working.

Posting this from Opera under Lupu528... :)