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Run latest Seamonkey in Puppy 3.01 (portable)

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2011, 15:35
by Dingo
Dear puppians

I as many others, really love Puppy 3.01 series

however, since 2.4 (and maybe already since 2.2.x) series, if you

- download seamonkey tar.bz2 package from site:

- extract and try to run, you get this error:

Code: Select all

/seamonkey-bin: /usr/lib/ version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /root/seamonkey/
My workaround consists in using
LD_PRELOAD lib taken from Ubuntu hardy (gcc 4.2.4) and then run seamonkey

I encoded this lib in base64 and inserted as ascii text in a script that then recreates the originla lib and run seamonkey in portable mode

- download attached script
- move to folder where you have uncompressed the content of tar.bz2 package downloaded from seamonkey site
- click on it to start seamonkey

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 17:31
by ferro10n
Do you think this can work for Puppy 5 series?

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 18:31
by Semme
ferro10n- what is it you wanna do, install? The first *note* here- no need for any pets...

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 22:01
by Dingo
it seems that some of mods modified my original title post. Now I have fixed to original

I used this way to run latest seamonkey builds in puppy 3.01, it seems that this workaround is no needed for Puppy 4.x.x-5.x series

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 22:20
by Hugh

I find myself going back to Puppy 3.01 time and time
again on my older hardware.

I unpacked the seamonkey-2.4.1.tar.bz2 file into

I then copied your script file into the Seamonkey
folder within the above unpacked files

I drug the script file to the desktop and dropped
it there to create the link

Then clicked the link to test whether it would run.

I'm using it now in fact (Seamonkey 2.4.1) as a
portable install! Brilliant!

Seamonkey has just informed me that the Adobe
Flash Plugin has crashed... I need to look into

Many thanks!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I now need to discover how to upgrade the
"portable" version of seamonkey to Flash 10.

Is it possible to limit the upgrade to the the
portable version or is it necessary to upgrade
Puppy 3.01?

If possible I'd like to continue using the older
version of Seamonkey with Flash 9 and not
have to upgrade Puppy 3.01...

I'll also try relocating the portable Seamonkey
2.4.1 to another location such as a hard drive to
see how that works.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 23:27
by Dingo
Hugh wrote: I now need to discover how to upgrade the
"portable" version of seamonkey to Flash 10.

Is it possible to limit the upgrade to the the
portable version or is it necessary to upgrade
Puppy 3.01?
yes. Do as follows

- in directory where you have extracted the seamonkey tar.bz2 content (e.g. the directory that contains the content of tra.bz2 archive downloaded from Mozilla site)
- create a subdirectory named plugins
- copy in this directory the downloaded from Adobe site (rename in if the library has other name)

now you can start seamonkey and see, typying


in urlbar, you will see that you are using the latest flashplayer version, while you can continue to use the flashplayer 9 with preinstalled version of seamonkey in puppy 3.01

the portabilized version of latest Seamonkey, in fact, looks first in its directory, and then in /usr/lib/mozilla

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 02:24
by ferro10n
Semme wrote:ferro10n- what is it you wanna do, install? The first *note* here- no need for any pets...
Actually I wanted to:
:arrow: Get the latest SeaMonkey
:arrow: Have SeaMonkey in my language
Both without having to wait for someone to compile it.
I'll hopefully learn to compile one day, but meanwhile I found a solution.

Click here for How to change SeaMonkey to your language

Posted: Fri 09 Dec 2011, 19:03
by Dewbie
Dingo wrote:
I used this way to run latest seamonkey builds in puppy 3.01, it seems that this workaround is no needed for Puppy 4.x.x-5.x series
Only a dbus and dbus-glib .pets are needed for those.
Nice little .pet, by the way, Dingo. Thanks! :)
It also works with 2.14x.
Details on all the above here.

Posted: Fri 23 Dec 2011, 02:15
by Hugh
Dingo wrote:
Hugh wrote: Is it possible to limit the upgrade to the the
portable version or is it necessary to upgrade
Puppy 3.01?
yes. Do as follows

- in directory where you have extracted the seamonkey tar.bz2 content (e.g. the directory that contains the content of tra.bz2 archive downloaded from Mozilla site)
- create a subdirectory named plugins
- copy in this directory the downloaded from Adobe site (rename in if the library has other name)

now you can start seamonkey and see, typying


in urlbar, you will see that you are using the latest flashplayer version, while you can continue to use the flashplayer 9 with preinstalled version of seamonkey in puppy 3.01

the portabilized version of latest Seamonkey, in fact, looks first in its directory, and then in /usr/lib/mozilla
Thank you very much for the pointers.

I re-positioned the Seamonkey Portable
folder and files to /mnt/home instead of
/usr as a test. Drug your script to the
desktop to create a "clickable" link.

I followed your instructions with the for Flash 11 from the
Adobe downloads.

Activated Seamonkey Portable and
went to YouTube to test how well the
player worked and it is amazing!!

The youtube video plays at normal speed
without glitches or any hangups! And there
are no "warnings" about using an out of date
browser! Incredible!

I currently have both versions of SeaMonkey
running, the stock Puppy 3.01version and the
portable version you've given us. Many thanks!

Posted: Tue 25 Sep 2012, 02:48
by Dewbie
Just tried with SeaMonkey 2.12.1.
It no longer works. :(

Posted: Tue 25 Sep 2012, 12:24
by Dingo
I modified script to work with latest Seamonkey releases

Posted: Wed 26 Sep 2012, 03:53
by Dewbie
Tested with Classic Pup 2.14xRC5.
Now everything works...thanks, Dingo! :)
Updated my first post here.

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2012, 05:11
by Mercedes350se
Dingo, Thank you. I have 2.13.2 installed and am using it to post this. Still finding my way around though.

Immediate question: How do I increase the font size of the Toolbar i.e. the one with File, Edit, View, etc and also the URL bar?

Old eyes are having an issue!

Edit: 1. Found the answer eventually - add to/modify userChrome.css.

2. More importantly, to me anyway, how do you delete/block all cookies and then allow cookies on a site by site basis. I have worn my fingers out but it would appear that Data Manager in this version does not work either that or it is not the least bit intuitive like the 1.xx versions. End Edit.

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2012, 08:50
by Dingo
Mercedes350se wrote: Immediate question: How do I increase the font size of the Toolbar i.e. the one with File, Edit, View, etc and also the URL bar?
I successfully use this addon

Theme Font Size Changer
- ... e-changer/

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 00:37
by Mercedes350se
(Clicking on that link gives a warning pop-up stating that it has an invalid certificate or something similar.) Ignore this. Operator brain fade!

I have since found that modifying userChrome.css gives the results I want.

Regarding the cookie issue it seems to be simply a matter of:
1. Under Preferences, click block all cookies
2. When a site is visited that cookies should be enabled then Tools>Cookie Manager>Allow Cookies from This Website. Then OK in the pop-up.

Sheesh took some time to work it out though ...

Not intuitive seamonkey developers!

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2012, 07:34
by Mercedes350se
Mercedes350se wrote:... I have since found that modifying userChrome.css gives the results I want.
An even simpler method is to find the existing userChrome.css file and move it to /usr/local/seamonkey/profile/chrome, open as text and change the 9 in the line:

font-size: 9pt !important;

to whatever size suits.

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 04:41
by Mercedes350se
I am finding now it seems to take forever for seamonkey to start. Once started everything is fine. I thought it may be something to do with cache size but reducing it to a small value has not improved things.

Any ideas?

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 06:28
by Dewbie
Mercedes350se wrote:
I am finding now it seems to take forever for seamonkey to start. Once started everything is fine. I thought it may be something to do with cache size but reducing it to a small value has not improved things.
I've noticed the same thing...currently running SM 1.1.11 and 2.12.1 in Puppy Linux 4.1.2.
The latter requires lots of overhead (especially compared to the 1.x series).
But they all do anymore, it seems. :(

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 17:45
by rjbrewer
Dewbie wrote:Mercedes350se wrote:
I am finding now it seems to take forever for seamonkey to start. Once started everything is fine. I thought it may be something to do with cache size but reducing it to a small value has not improved things.
I've noticed the same thing...currently running SM 1.1.11 and 2.12.1 in Puppy Linux 4.1.2.
The latter requires lots of overhead (especially compared to the 1.x series).
But they all do anymore, it seems. :(
This seems to help with the slow start issue;

2.13 on lucid 5.28: ... of-webpage

Posted: Thu 22 Nov 2012, 06:49
by Mercedes350se
Thank you but that link seems to be related to slow page loads rather than seamonkey itself starting very slowly.

Like you Dewbie I still have my 1.1.16 install. Given that there is only one site where 2.13.2 is really necessary I think I will go back to 1.1.16 for my general browsing 'experience'.