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(games) (rebuilt) LTris, LBreakout2, Barrage

Posted: Wed 05 Apr 2006, 04:07
by MU
These games were packaged by puppian in August 2005.

They conflicted with some newer Dotpups, that require newer versions of LibSDL.

So I repackaged them to work good with this new version:

They will not work without LibSDL!

Each game can be started from the Dotpups-menu.

Barrage (420 kb):


LBreakout2 (2.7 MB):


LTris (557 kb):


Note that the Wiki (and so the Dotpup-Downloader) still lists the old packages.


broken links & lost files?

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 03:42
by don largo
Excuse me MU. I don't mean to criticize and I am sure that you are really good with computers, but you seem to have a ton of links all over the place to an address which no longer exists. Furthermore, when you do track down the new address, some files do not seem to be there.

For example:

LBreakout2 (2.7 MB):

The SDL-library for Games (430 kb): (440 kb)

These do not seem to exist at http:/

It makes it really really difficult to look for solutions when the forum is filled with false links and outdated information.

As long as I have your attention, I tried loading barrage to no avail, I got moon-lander to run by using your libSDL for Doom thing, but when I install lbreakout2, everything stops running (including mplayer) and the terminal shows an error for the so.2 file. I tried running lbreakout from terminal and got a segmentation fault with the message that a .conf file could not be found and that something looking like an image file could not be opened (, or somesuch). Is there any hope?

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 04:05
by muggins
don largo,

mu was hosting the files on out of his own pocket, and whatever donations he received. problems with that site meant he had to re-locate...see this post:

what puppy needs is more billionaire philanthropists to be where's that gates fellow?

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 04:13
by muggins
don largo,

sorry about going off on a tangent there! i just clicked the links you posted & see that, as you said, they go nowhere.

here's an alternative link:

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 17:17
by MU ... ORE-Games/

If a game will not run, I currently cannot help.
Many were created for older versions of Puppy.
Most still should work, but there is no guarantee.
I cannot check all myself, even if I had time, as I just have a notebook with limited capabilities here in the hotel.

For this reason I also cannot move files between different servers, but there is someone who already offered to do it.
So hopefully all should be on one server again, soon.


Thank you MU

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 23:16
by don largo
I agree. A game is a very low priority, I saw that you had put up a recompiled link and thought I would check it out. It reminded me of that old appleII we had back in 1980.

That said, I wonder about this sound library problem. I see that a lot of people advising installing other programs as a means to an end, but doesn't it seem more logical to deal with this issue directly? I'm a newbie and not prepared to do it, but is there some reason that compiling this library for Puppy would be really difficult compared to the problems people seem to have for lack of it? I have seen links to the site for it. Has anyone actually been able to avail himself of it?

As has been pointed out by others, you are an all-around good guy, MU. Thanks.