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The whole kennel . . .

Posted: Wed 05 Apr 2006, 13:07
by Lobster
week 3 with SimplePup

I am still using SimplePup - having said that I am in Puppy Singer (1.0.8r1) to use wget - yes I could use Firefox - but this is more reliable and I have it installed with the GUI front end created by Ian (hopefully in Puppy 1.0.9)

On occasion I have needed:
X restart rather than full restart
Ghostview (PDF reader)
and I prefer the screenshot as a menu option rather than having to use New and screenshot from within Mtpaint

So SimplePup does not have everything I require but 95% and it is easy and pleasant to use.

My 'modus operandi' is:
Simple Puppy for browsing and day to day use
Grafpup for multimedia
Puppy2 Alpha for geekery and testing and developing
and Microsoft Windows for the dustbin

That suits me - running from CD - only data on HD
others might prefer KDEPup or the new GorgeousPuppy (or whatever it is called) from BombayRockers and support team . . .

Are there new Puppys lurking about?
I know John Murga is working on a new Mean Puppy for Puppy2 but I think it is a secret (shhhhh!!!! - I know nothing)

Was Picopup available as an ISO or did I dream that?
I downloaded the gunzip files but not sure - can I run from CD or only from an 8 meg flash card - have one of those?

Posted: Wed 05 Apr 2006, 15:45
by Pizzasgood
Well, I'm still not sure when (or what) the next Pizzapup will be. It's getting closer though. I'm nearly done with HackyRemaster-v3, so I'll be pulling togeather my ideas shortly. I'm going to give a certain non-firefox browser another shot, and I want to try out some other window managers. Depending on how I like them, the next Pizzapup might just have an enlightened singing voice. As for the version it'll be based on, at the moment it will be 1.0.8r1, unless Barry popps out a 1.0.9 before I have my ideas togeather and the time to do anything. I'm not going to wait, though. The last time I though a new version was on the verge of release I was a month or two off :roll: