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How to install Impressive?

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 14:08
by rincon155
I would like to install in Puppy 5.2.8 a Presentation Software called Impressive, which is a program that displays presentation slides:
The Web site indicates:
The following software packages are required or recommended to use Impressive:
• Python 2.3, 2.4 or 2.5 — (required)
• PyOpenGL (the OpenGL binding for Python) — (required)
• PyGame (the SDL binding for Python) — (required)
• PIL, the Python Imaging Library — (required)
• Xpdf for PDF rendering — (strongly recommended)
• GhostScript for alternate PDF rendering — (optional if Xpdf is present, strongly recommended if it's not)
• pdftk for retrieving PDF metadata (page titles, hyperlinks) — (optional, recommended)
• xdg-utils for starting web or e-mail hyperlinks from PDF documents — (optional, not required on Win32)
• MPlayer for sound and video playback — (optional)
Debian users can install all these packages at once by typing:
aptitude install python python-opengl python-pygame python-imaging xpdf-reader gs pdftk xdg-utils mplayer
Generic Installation
After installing the prerequisites mentioned, extract the file from the downloadable archive. You can either start it directly or copy it to some location in your $PATH (~/bin or /usr/local/bin are good candidates).
To start a presentation, simply type something like: demo.pdf
Are there pup files to install the requierements, and the main program?
I downloaded the program, then, the zipped file appeared and I did not know how to proceed.
I think this is a posible alternative of a stand alone program to open powerpoint files and edit them.
Please advise. Thank you.

Posted: Tue 01 Nov 2011, 15:45
by Geoffrey
Softwaremaker 2008 will do power point, it will read and create them, see Barry's blog

Re: How to install Impressive?

Posted: Tue 01 Nov 2011, 16:38
by Barkin
rincon155 wrote:... a posible alternative of a stand alone program to open powerpoint files and edit them.
Please advise.
"Impress" in the (free) Open Office suite will do that.

The full OO suite is big: about 150Mb

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 06:23
by disciple
Geoffrey wrote:Softwaremaker 2008 will do power point, it will read and create them, see Barry's blog
But not the Powerpoint 2007/2010 format (.pptx). For this I think you need the soon-to be released Softmaker 2012.
Barkin wrote:
rincon155 wrote:... a posible alternative of a stand alone program to open powerpoint files and edit them.
Please advise.
"Impress" in the (free) Open Office suite will do that.
You might want to go for Libreoffice these days, rather than OOo.
And OOo/Libreoffice Impress is in fact much better than Powerpoint ;)

But I doubt Impressive will open powerpoint files - it looks like it is basically a pdf and image file viewer.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 08:58
by 8-bit
I have been able to view powerpoint files with LibreOffice, but I have never been able to get sound with any of them.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 11:37
by disciple
Powerpoint files can have either:

1) embedded .wav files. I have never seen this in the wild, because it would make the file huge. I have seen things which seem to indicate openoffice will play some of them but possibly not all... I'm not sure. I wouldn't try to figure out what is going on without having the presentation that you are having trouble with.

2) or linked files. These can be in a compressed format such as mp3, which I have seen in the wild. When you take a presentation made in powerpoint on Windows to powerpoint on Mac there is a feature to tell it where the linked file is, because the directory structure on a Mac is not the same as on Windows. I believe you need to go through the presentation to manually select each file link and tell it where to find the target. So hopefully you don't have a lot of files :roll:
As far as I could tell, if you take a presentation made on a Mac to Windows, there is no feature to fix the link, so you need to delete it and add it again. I'm guessing the same problem must occur trying to open on windows a presentation created on windows, if the drive name or file path changes. I'm not sure if openoffice supports linked files, or has a feature to update the links (look and see), but if it doesn't I'd say at least it is being consistent. For Powerpoint to kind of support Powerpoint files, but not really, is a little ridiculous.

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2011, 23:02
by pemasu
I remember that marco07 posted about success in Polarpup to get powerpoint presentations or Impress presentations to play sound with embedded sound. It needed working gstreamer framework, which is in Polarpup. ... 050#557050

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 08:58
by Barkin
disciple wrote: I'm not sure if openoffice supports linked files
Yes Open Office "impress" (slideshow thingy) can link to sound files ...

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 00:57
by rincon155
Thank you Geoffrey, Barkin, disciple, 8-bit, pemasu for all your ideas and discussion so far. I learned a lot from it.
I will try Softwavemaker 2008 since it has a pet file and the package is not very big. My only need is to open ppt files and edit them.
I really appreciate the Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. It always work!!!

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 02:19
by rincon155
Geoffrey wrote:Softwaremaker 2008 will do power point, it will read and create them, see Barry's blog
Dear Geoffrey: did you install Softwavemaker 2008 and use it? I obtained the serial number, but the initial page in any of the applications rejected me with a message of invalid serial code. I did copy and paste, and also copied manually the 3 fields, and in both cases the error message is the same. I did a reply email to SoftMaker reporting the error and will wait for any response from them.

Posted: Tue 08 Nov 2011, 21:19
by rincon155
I finally installed Softwavemaker 2008. It has some limitations: there are images in .ppt files that it does not show. I will keep my search for a light Linux alternative to Power Point. I am aware that LibreOffice will do the work but is pretty heavy and it includes other packages that I do not need. At least Softwavemaker 2008 will help and it is not that big.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 06:38
by disciple
rincon155 wrote:I finally installed Softwavemaker 2008. It has some limitations: there are images in .ppt files that it does not show.
If you were interested in seeing if Softmaker 2010 would show those images, you can get a 30 day trial
Or if the presentation isn't too massive you could send it to me and I could see if it works in a beta of 2010 that I still have somewhere.
I will keep my search for a light Linux alternative to Power Point. I am aware that LibreOffice will do the work but is pretty heavy and it includes other packages that I do not need. At least Softwavemaker 2008 will help and it is not that big.
FWIW Softmaker 2010 is quite a bit bigger than 2008, but I think it is a lot quicker than Openoffice, (as well as more compatible with MS). I doubt you will ever see anything more lightweight which can handle MS Office formats - just think how massive MS Office itself is now. I imagine your only hope in that regard would be something like Google Docs.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 14:35
by rincon155
Thank you disciple. In this moment I am not urged to open a specific .ppt file. It was a test with Softmaker 2008. It is good to know that this forum has helpful people as you!