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Anything Like Expose, (Skippy?)

Posted: Wed 16 Nov 2011, 18:15
by Feral
Just wondering if there is anything like expose for mac. I would like to see if anyone has compiled and got Skippy working. (



Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 21:22
by morgonzola
hey there this is really easy to do just look at this forum here

I got all the deps from debian
and for the last part just run xev to find the key you want to bind it to and put it in the.skippyrc

for example, i wanted the menu key so i just ran xev in a terminal, pressed menu a bunch, saw what it was called (menu duh :lol: ) and put it in instead of f11

if you want it on startup you can either create a script and put it in your startup folder (remember to make it executable!

Code: Select all

chmod "your_script_name" 700 
in the same dir or something like that )
or you could add it to your xintric but i don't really know where to put it :oops:
hope it works!