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case sensitivity in linux

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 01:56
by mistfire
Does the Linux kernel is case sensitive in nature? If yes, is it possible to disable the case sensitivity?

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 02:45
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Yes, Linux is case sensitive in nature..
No, I dont believe you can alter that behavior...

Why is this an issue for you??

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 15:01
by Karl Godt
for /bin/bash you could have an internet lookup for " man bash "

the file /etc/inputrc i have altered much for testing purposes and on one installation

set match-hidden-files on
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on

seems not only to work for the rxvt-terminal bash but also for ash and||or bash at bootup .
ie i made a directory /etc/init.d/ALSA and chmod -x it but at boot not only /etc/init.d/alsa gets a run now but also this /etc/init.d/ALSA , where several backups of the alsafiles reside(all not executable either) .

I have made so many adjustments to /etc/inputrc , that it is slightly messed up , so i don't exactly know , which one of the three mentioned " set " would have done it alone or if it would need some more " set " .

it might also be due to the installation of some other libs long time ago .

[ edit ] i have also installed a self compiled bash-3.2 on this full installation also long time ago [/ edit ]
[ edit 2 ] altered the bang from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/ash in /etc/rc.d/services and /etc/init.d/ALSA does not get run anymore ; so it has something to do with bash [/ edit 2 ]

case sensitivity in linux

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:31
by L18L
Karl Godt wrote:...the file /etc/inputrc i have altered much for testing purposes and on one installation

set match-hidden-files on
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on
I have appended these 3 lines to /etc/inputrc and now my apps starter is a little bit more perfect.

Example: which tools are there for file?

Code: Select all

# Fil
file        filefrag    filemnt     filterdiff  
- Case insensivity is very useful for this.
- Pressed TAB key once only instead of twice before without those lines.

Thanks for sharing this, Karl.


my app starter:

Code: Select all

rxvt -title "Type in initial letters of your app and the press TAB key"  -e ash