"QtWeb" web-browser in "Quirky Linux 1.40" ! only script

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"QtWeb" web-browser in "Quirky Linux 1.40" ! only script

#1 Post by postfs1 »




Code: Select all

mkdir -m 0744 -p /usr/local/bin/qw ;
cd /usr/local/bin/qw/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/QtWeb/Packed_files/QtWeb-elf386.zip ;
if [ ! `echo -e "f8d49db81376795c39eb743d8ceb0156  QtWeb-elf386.zip" | md5sum -c - >/usr/local/bin/qw/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /usr/local/bin/qw/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /usr/local/bin/qw/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /usr/local/bin/qw/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
unzip QtWeb-elf386.zip -x License.txt ;
chmod 0744 QtWeb ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /usr/local/bin/qw/QtWeb-elf386.zip ;
rm /usr/local/bin/qw/.md-5.sm ;
ln -s /usr/local/bin/qw/QtWeb /usr/bin/QW ;
echo '[Desktop Entry]' > /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Encoding=UTF-8' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Name=QtWeb' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Comment=QtWeb web-browser' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Exec=/usr/local/bin/qw/QtWeb file:///usr/share/doc/home.htm' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Terminal=false' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Type=Application' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Categories=WebBrowser;' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'GenericName=QtWeb' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
echo 'Icon=/usr/share/midi-icons/www48.png' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
#echo '/usr/share/pixmaps/pwget.png' >> /usr/share/applications/QtW.desktop ;
fixmenus ;
xmessage "-=QtWeb=- has been installed." `jwm -display :0.0 -restart` ;
rox --pinboard=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;

Sometimes the "QtWeb" web-browser requires "DBus".
The script for installation of "DBus" is shown over here:
Edit: 2011, dec 1.
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.

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