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targz2pet wanted please

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 02:29
by scsijon
had a pile (20+) rpm's to sort out for testing against possible puppy use

used rpm2pet to fix, and installed them on a testbed,

however found 'bits' missing from all, so

used pet2tgz, but instead of a .tgz as expected, it gave me a tar.gz, then opened them up and extracted, that allowed me to fix anything needed plus add petspec files

I could use makepet to rebuild, but that would take quite a bit time, yes I could shortcut but even then...

would like to just 'targz2pet *.tar.gz

like all our other conversion util's

any chance?

thanks in advance


Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 04:03
by RSH
I hope, i did understand this one right. You are looking for a tool to convert .tar.gz into .pet?

The .pet is a .tar.gz. Just rename it to .pet.

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 07:02
by rhadon
RSH wrote:The .pet is a .tar.gz
Yes, but a .pet contains a small additional info. I've forgotten why or where, but it is there. I think it's a md5sum, but I'm not sure.

If you only rename a pet to tar.gz and extract it, you get a error message, although it will be extracted.

If you use pet2tgz and extract the file, you get no error message because this part will be removed.


Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 07:39
by technosaurus

Code: Select all


Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 08:15
by RSH
rhadon wrote:Yes, but a .pet contains a small additional info. I've forgotten why or where, but it is there. I think it's a md5sum, but I'm not sure.

If you only rename a pet to tar.gz and extract it, you get a error message, although it will be extracted.
Thank you for adding your information.

My Information has come from the manual-remaster-in-gui. This one says: It will exit with an error - this is OK. .pets just have an md5sum that the wrapper cannot handle and it is not needed for this operation.


Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 10:29
by scsijon
technosaurus wrote:

Code: Select all

tried that one technosaurus a couple of times, unfortunately what was created wouldn't install and when I opened it up for a looksee, it was just junk, there must be something between the .tgz and .tar.gz that stuffs it up.

I'll just have to use the drag'n'drop method with Petmaker.

The checksum dates from back when dialup was the only method of transfer, and even that wasn't always reliable. I still have my dialup account as backup as I use sat and bad weather can still affect that to the point of being useless ocassionally, but at least I now have 56K, not 1200/75 as a few years ago. It was 110/75baud when I started, just imagine trying a modern day download with those speeds.

thanks folks for trying and merry christmas to all

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 10:52
by technosaurus
are they source tarballs ... thats a whole different question all together

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 21:06
by don570
makepet by stu90 takes a folder and quickly makes it into a
pet package

I put it inside this archive

and I put it in my right click pet package.
