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Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 17:28
by seaside
SFSdirload-standalone-0.3 allows you to arrange your SFS files in directories and load each directories' sfs files all at once.

For example,

Create a directory named SFS and then create subdirectories according to whatever logical grouping for categories of interest or tasks.


In each sub-directory put whatever SFS files you would like to load for each category.

SFSdirload will present a directory selector which will allow an SFS directory to be picked and every SFS file in that directory will be loaded at once.

A prior SFSdirload was made to work with Choicepup. This version should work on any puppy as it sym-links all SFS files in a directory and cleans up during shutdown (thanks to some nice crisp code from Technosaurus).

If you check the box the selected sfs directory will be placed in the Startup directory and loaded at boot.

You can also load an sfs directory from the command line e.g."SFSdirload /my/sfs/dir". Also, if you want to unmount and cleanup before shutdown, at any time run "SFSdirload stop"

I've tested this on Pup431 and Wary522 and have not run into any problems so far. However, do not run a Devx sfs because the linking will not work properly.

Below is a pet which will appear under Menu/Filesystem


Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 18:19
by Jasper

I'm sure SFSdirload is terrific and fast.

However, seaside has also given us two other sfs masterpieces - there is the "Tray" version which loads sfs apps from a tray which hides at the top of the screen - you can load apps with a single icon (eg Adobe Acrobat) but not multi icon apps (eg Libre/Open/Office or Emil's Math program). When the app is closed it unloads automatically.

There is also his "Exec" version where any apps such as LibreOffice can be individually opened super fast (checks are omitted and there are no Menu entries). I give it about 6 seconds to load then type libreoffice (or "call" it) in my console - if I want to I can click Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Memory then use the bottom choice to put an icon in my System Tray. Exec also has an sfs unloader which is lightning quick and, seems able to unload any sfs however it was loaded.

Loading whole directories of sfs' might (only might) need a bit of testing if the apps are relatively large and RAM is relatively low.

Slacko 5.3.1 has an excellent sfs loader/unloader (courtesy of Shinobar - I think) but I use two of Seaside's sfs miracles as weil and I could use all three.

All Seaside's pets merit testing to see if they suit your own needs.

My regards

PS All my sfs files are in different directories on my flash stick, sdc1, so I set my "Exec" version directory as /mnt/sdc1. That works well for me though I do not know enough to recommend it as a general rule for "Exec".

As Seaside says above, with the DirLoad system you can load any directories on the fly and perhaps, just perhaps, it is possible to use links so that the same sfs files can be loaded from more than one directory without wasting space?

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 21:44
by pemasu
Seaside. In your pet /etc/rc.d/init.d is folder, not symlink. Is it intentional ?
Anyway, it changes the puppy normal symlinked init.d function. Might cause something.

Posted: Wed 21 Dec 2011, 00:21
by seaside

Thanks for your support and review of the different SFS handling techniques. It looks like you're having fun :)

You mentioned
just perhaps, it is possible to use links so that the same sfs files can be loaded from more than one directory without wasting space?
Yes, you can just link any SFS file to a directory and it will load as if it was actually in the directory.

Seaside. In your pet /etc/rc.d/init.d is folder, not symlink. Is it intentional ?
Anyway, it changes the puppy normal symlinked init.d function. Might cause something.
I put the exec in the folder "/etc/rc.d/init.d " so that the program would run with the "stop" option at shutdown.

As far as as I can tell, this doesn't impact the "/etc/rc.d/init.d" symlink arrangement - after install, the symlink is there and seems to be functioning properly.

Am I missing something....don't want to cause something :)

EDIT: pemasu - Ah, now I see your point - it could go in the
"/etc/init.d" directory. It seems that it follows the link to install there anyway. At any rate, if anyone notices something odd happening, I'll change it :)

Posted: Wed 21 Dec 2011, 06:11
by pemasu
I added your SFSdirload to the Dpup Exprimo 5.X.10.3 but I changed the location to the /etc/init.d so that symlink is not affected. People possibly give feedback if there is something to post about.

I noticed that you use gexec.xpm, after I had uploaded the iso. I use grun according to the Iguleder, so I missed the icon. Well.....I hunt the icon and I add it to the update pet.
Thank you of your sfsapp. I suppose it will load more than 6 app with this symlink function just like jrb`s sfs app did ?

Posted: Wed 21 Dec 2011, 14:53
by seaside
pemasu wrote:I. I suppose it will load more than 6 app with this symlink function just like jrb`s sfs app did ?

I think it would require extra loop making code for many pups depending on puppy kernel version and the particular puppy.

I've tested the symlinking and everything seems to be working.

Thanks for checking this and if anyone finds this symlink dir "/etc/rc.d/init.d" missing or broken in the directory "/etc/rc.d/". after installing the pet, please post.


Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2011, 21:14
by n1mnal

"do not run a Devx sfs because the linking will not work properly."

Could you say something more about exactly how things don't work and
whether there might be a workaround? I'd like to make an sfs of a
program which ultimately depends on Python; Python is quite large, but
apparently is in the standard devx. I could get a standalone Python, but
it seems a shame to duplicate it, because at times I will need the devx
for other purposes.

One more question: does anyone know roughly what the memory overhead of using an sfs is? I'm looking for ways to guess
what is reasonable to try on a small-memory box and what isn't;
I don't want to have to reboot as the only way out of a lockup.


Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2011, 22:03
by seaside

You may find a useful discussion here - ... 6&start=75

And perhaps the referenced might be better for your purposes.

As far as I can tell, the extra space for links is miniscule and the mounting of sfs files seems to have no impact on free memory.
