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offline Wiki?

Posted: Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:13
by mahaju
Hello everyone,
I recently learned how to edit a wiki and wikipedia article
It is very easy to edit any given article, but what is more fascinating is that you can also compare between the various versions of the article between edits
The wiki software highlights where the differences are, so it is much easier to see which part has been changed. What I want to know is whether there is some software that allows me to do this offline with different versions of source code, showing all the syntax highlight, as well as allowing to compare between edits easily

I think something like that would be very helpful. Any ideas anyone?


Posted: Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:34
by big_bass
there is also tkdiff
and Xdiff these have more features but I like DragNdrop better

something simple and light is just use diff

this is what I use all the time to view differences in code
its one of my many homemade tools

Code: Select all


# version 2 changed to *.patch
# just a simple diff tool for the lazy
# there are better but this is easy :D 
# Joe Arose 
# call this dnd_diff
# patched are auto made for you 

$DIALOG --title "The original for DIFF   " \
        --inputbox "Type in a value or Drag N drop.
         enter first file to diff now 
        the name will be given from the this file.patch
        and placed in root\n
" 0 0  2> /tmp/one.txt


input=`cat /tmp/one.txt`

case $retval in
    echo "Input string is '$input'";;
    echo "Cancel pressed."
    echo "Box closed."

$DIALOG --title "The edited file for DIFF   " \
        --inputbox "Type in a value or Drag N drop.
        you enter second file to diff now\n
" 0 0 2>/tmp/two.txt


input2=`cat /tmp/two.txt`

case $retval in
    echo "Input string is '$input2'";;
    echo "Cancel pressed."
    echo "Box closed."

diff -pruN $input $input2 >/root/`basename $input`.patch

#or you could do this if you have another editor installed 
$DEFAULTTEXTEDITOR  /root/`basename $input`.patch

#geany is the default editor change this if you have another editor
#geany /root/`basename $input`.patch

rm -f /tmp/two.txt
rm -f /tmp/one.txt

Posted: Thu 22 Dec 2011, 17:52
by amigo
Using a wiki to write/edit source code would be a bad idea because of the syntax restraints -you'd have to write pages of code which are not really code, but made to llok like code when displayed on the wiki page.

The real main program for comparing code is 'diff' -tkdiff and many other GUI diff programs usually rely on diff itself to do the work. Using diff allows you to directly edit the real code (as written for the compiler/interpretor) without having to make any cosmetic changes.

If you are intending to write and maintain a project, then what you really want is called a Version Control System -like CVS, SVN/subversion or 'git'. There are many others, but git it probably the best and most commonly used. The linux kernel (which contains thousands of files and millions of lines of code) is maintained using 'git'.

Posted: Fri 23 Dec 2011, 04:57
by mahaju
Thank you for your replies
I am using TortoiseHg for my work in my Windows 7 machine
I am still learning about all it's features, but it seems to provide features for much of what I need to do
However I will also need something similar for Puppy Linux 5.2.8 later on so I'm searching for some ideas
amigo wrote:Using a wiki to write/edit source code would be a bad idea because of the syntax restraints -you'd have to write pages of code which are not really code, but made to llok like code when displayed on the wiki page.

If you are intending to write and maintain a project, then what you really want is called a Version Control System -like CVS, SVN/subversion or 'git'. There are many others, but git it probably the best and most commonly used. The linux kernel (which contains thousands of files and millions of lines of code) is maintained using 'git'.
I am not actually storing it in a wiki, I was just trying to describe what kind of feature I was looking for
As you suggested I have acquired a version control system called TortoiseHg and I am trying out it's features right now

Posted: Fri 23 Dec 2011, 10:43
by technosaurus
there are quite a few hg/mercurial frontends for pretty much every OS imaginable, but if you aren't already familiar with it, I would also recommend fossil as it is quite easy to learn (Barry is now using it for woof)

hg/git/svn are still better for larger projects with many developers, but for basic operations (and some things the others dont have, like bug tracking, wiki, self-hosting web server... in a much smaller package even) its really nice.