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My wishlist for a distro

Posted: Sun 01 Jan 2012, 15:51
by Samlinux
This would be my dream Linux distro (based on Puppy of course)

+ No need for passwords whenever inserting stuff on terminal
+ always operating the system as root/ get rid off warnings about stupid permissions
+ importing program settings from a windows installation - since all settings are saved on AppData folder on windows there should be a way of importing it all into my Linux system
+ adding repositories of other distros
+ having a tweak tool for Linux like Yamicsofts products
+ getting notified of updates automatically
+ the ability to install XFCE/LXDE in a streamlined manner
+ having wine configured to work around most windows programs
+ automatic installation of all video/audio codecs including flash /shockwave players
+ being able to handle all the various file types like .rpm, .deb and so on (on windows you have .exe, .msi and thats it)

if only...

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2012, 14:48
by zomzilla
most of that looks like what i want to see: but there always needs to be a way of adding unprivelidged users

i want to see the default puppy look far less ugly

i want it to be arch based with full pacman and AUR support (pacman is a wonder to use and makepkg is the best way of installing software on your system from source evar)

Posted: Sun 08 Jan 2012, 07:34
by sickgut
Pussy will do all this except the windows application preferences importing.

is 100% compatible with debian repos, anything there will install perfectly fine with no modification due to native apt-get support.

Re: My wishlist for a distro

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 01:38
by crshbndct
+ No need for passwords whenever inserting stuff on terminal < this can be done with % wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL in visudo
+ always operating the system as root/ get rid off warnings about stupid permissions < I dont understand this. I understand that puppy doesnt have the same security issues as running, say, Ubuntu as root, but if you are running a different distro as root, that is just inviting problems.
+ importing program settings from a windows installation - since all settings are saved on AppData folder on windows there should be a way of importing it all into my Linux system < I agree
+ adding repositories of other distros < Impossible. Or virtually impossible. most repos all have the same software in them anyway, just modified fo use on each distro.
+ having a tweak tool for Linux like Yamicsofts products < I had a look at Yamicsofts page. I don't understand why you would want this? Gnome3 has Gnome-Tweak-Tool
+ getting notified of updates automatically <99% Of distros do this already
+ the ability to install XFCE/LXDE in a streamlined manner < A lot of distros's allow this too.
+ having wine configured to work around most windows programs <Use Playonlinux
+ automatic installation of all video/audio codecs including flash /shockwave players <Linux Mint, PinguyOS
+ being able to handle all the various file types like .rpm, .deb and so on (on windows you have .exe, .msi and thats it) < again, Impossible, and pointless.

My wishlist for a distro

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 18:05
by RSH
Samlinux wrote:This would be my dream Linux distro (based on Puppy of course)

+ No need for passwords whenever inserting stuff on terminal
+ always operating the system as root/ get rid off warnings about stupid permissions
+ importing program settings from a windows installation - since all settings are saved on AppData folder on windows there should be a way of importing it all into my Linux system
+ adding repositories of other distros
+ having a tweak tool for Linux like Yamicsofts products
+ getting notified of updates automatically
+ the ability to install XFCE/LXDE in a streamlined manner
+ having wine configured to work around most windows programs
+ automatic installation of all video/audio codecs including flash /shockwave players
+ being able to handle all the various file types like .rpm, .deb and so on (on windows you have .exe, .msi and thats it)
Now that you have clearly pointed out, what would be your "dream-puppy" and now that sickgut has told to you wich puppy (pussy - iho) is the best to start to get your "dream-puppy": What are you waiting for?

I am sure, you will get all help that users can give to you. Believe me! They gave it to me and made me able to come as close as possible to my "dream-puppy". And that's not all. Many other users have downloaded my "dream-puppy" some did some work on it (f.e. don570) and one user calls it "currently my favorite" and "the best puppy i have ever seen".

Do it. Be a cannibal. It will grow. It will evolve!