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how to rip DVD to hard drive?

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 04:21
by nubc
I cannot configure Pdvdrsab to rip a DVD to hard drive, as mp4 if possible. Has anyone ever successfully used Pdvdrsab to perform this operation? I manually select sr0 as the DVD drive, and I don't see much else to do except execute the rip. When I execute the rip, the Pdvdrsab applet just disappears and nothing happens. Asunder is so easy to use, so why is Pdvdrsab such a pain?

Re: how to rip DVD to hard drive?

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 21:29
by smokey01
nubc I put this little application together because I wanted something very simple.

It may not copy highly protected DVD but it works quite well.

This takes care of most of my requirements but you might need to use "handbrake" for the protected dvd's. ...

The option you want is the movie spool. Help is on the tool tips.
nubc wrote:I cannot configure Pdvdrsab to rip a DVD to hard drive, as mp4 if possible. Has anyone ever successfully used Pdvdrsab to perform this operation? I manually select sr0 as the DVD drive, and I don't see much else to do except execute the rip. When I execute the rip, the Pdvdrsab applet just disappears and nothing happens. Asunder is so easy to use, so why is Pdvdrsab such a pain?

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 22:03
by john biles
Hello smokey01,
Installs in Legacy OS 2 just fine, I assuming you're using ffmpeg to do the ripping, is this correct?

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 23:54
by smokey01

ffmpeg is not used.

A modified version of the dd command is used to copy the DVD to an ISO.

growisofs is used to copy ISO to DVD.

vobcopy is used to copy DVD to VOB/MP4.

All files reside in /usr/local/copydvd


Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 07:12
by nubc
Thanks for the pet, smokey, although I'm not quite sure exactly what it accomplishes. Generally, I rely on the app to do what is required, and since this is the first time I will have ripped a DVD to hard drive, I know very little about the operation. I want to put a single mp4 file on my hard drive, so I can play the movie from my hard drive without using the dvdrom optical drive. Does a Copy-DVD app do this for me? I'll give it a shot (install the pet), but I am strategizing another solution. Since my computer has only one optical drive, I am going to find another live CD. such as PCLOS or Mint, which has a full-featured in-house DVD ripper, and boot it from a USB optical drive to accomplish this operation. Can someone recommend a live CD distro that has a good resident DVD ripper? Also, what are the best apps for DVD ripping? (Notice I asked for a live CD distro, not a live DVD distro like Sabayon.)

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 07:16
by p310don
Pburn has this feature.

It is in most puppies. Open it, and click on "Copy/Shrink video DVD" button.

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 07:20
by smokey01
nubc just click on the help icon and all will be revealed.

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 07:44
by nubc
I'm getting no response from clicking "Copy/Shrink video DVD" button in Pburn. I get no response from clicking the Rip button (film reel icon) in CopyDVD. While the DVD has not "spun up" there is an icon for it in the recognized devices area of desktop, named 'sr0'. Perhaps Wary 5.1.1 is missing dependencies. The DVD size is 7.7 GB.

Do I rename '/dev/dvd' to '/dev/sr0' in Setup for CopyDVD?

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 08:30
by smokey01
go into the directory /usr/local/copydvd using rox

Then press the ` key under the Esc key

This will put you in a terminal window in the above folder

Now type the three commands one at a time:

dcfldd --help
vobcopy --help
growisofs --help

Each applications should display some help.

These are the only three files required. dcfldd is included in the package and vobcopy and growisofs are normally part of Puppy.

Clicking on the film reel only uses vobcopy. you must have a DVD in the drive sr0 and a new file will be created in /mnt/home called CDROM1.vob.
It should be renamed to whatever.mp4 before you copy your next DVD as it will be deleted.

If you don't get help from each of the apps above then I guess Wary-5.1.1 doesn't have them but I think that would be unusual.

Good luck.

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 08:56
by nubc

Code: Select all

# dcfldd --help 
bash: dcfldd: command not found
# vobcopy --help 
vobcopy: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# growisofs --help 
* growisofs by <>, version 7.1,
- usage: growisofs [-dvd-compat] [-overburn] [-speed=1] \
         -[ZM] /dev/dvd <mkisofs options>
  for <mkisofs options> see 'mkisofs -help'

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 09:32
by smokey01
dcfldd is in the package and located at /usr/local/copydvd

You might need to make it executable.

When in rox, right click on the file, select permissions, then make executable.

I will see if I can find why is not included. It seems to be in most of the Puppies I use.

I will try Wary-5.1.1 and see if I have the same problem, but I would suggests you try another Puppy, like Lucid or Slacko.
nubc wrote:

Code: Select all

# dcfldd --help 
bash: dcfldd: command not found
# vobcopy --help 
vobcopy: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# growisofs --help 
* growisofs by <>, version 7.1,
- usage: growisofs [-dvd-compat] [-overburn] [-speed=1] \
         -[ZM] /dev/dvd <mkisofs options>
  for <mkisofs options> see 'mkisofs -help'
Ok I didn't have Wary-5.1.1 but I tried it with Wary-5.2 and it worked fine.

If you like Wary maybe you should consider upgrading. Do you have Full or Frugal install?

I think the latest wary is 5.2.2. ... -5.2.2.iso


Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 09:59
by Karl Godt
dcfldd is in the package and located at /usr/local/copydvd

You might need to make it executable.
dcfldd --help
vobcopy --help
growisofs --help
should be

Code: Select all

./dcfldd --help
./vobcopy --help
./growisofs --help
because without the './' , bash searches the PATH and /usr/local/copydvd might not be in the PATH except the bins have symlinks to /usr/local/bin

I think .

Without installing the pet i have

bash-3.00# which vobcopy
bash-3.00# which growisofs

at Puppy511 by default .

bash-3.00# find /usr -name "libdvdread*"

I would suggest to symlink

Code: Select all

ln -s /usr/lib/
as a workaround

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 12:34
by nubc

Code: Select all

# ./dcfldd --help
Usage: ./dcfldd [OPTION]...
Copy a file, converting and formatting according to the options.

  bs=BYTES                 force ibs=BYTES and obs=BYTES
  cbs=BYTES                convert BYTES bytes at a time
  conv=KEYWORDS            convert the file as per the comma separated keyword list
  count=BLOCKS             copy only BLOCKS input blocks
  ibs=BYTES                read BYTES bytes at a time
  if=FILE                  read from FILE instead of stdin
  obs=BYTES                write BYTES bytes at a time
  of=FILE                  write to FILE instead of stdout
                            NOTE: of=FILE may be used several times to write
                                  output to multiple files simultaneously
  of:=COMMAND              exec and write output to process COMMAND
  seek=BLOCKS              skip BLOCKS obs-sized blocks at start of output
  skip=BLOCKS              skip BLOCKS ibs-sized blocks at start of input
  pattern=HEX              use the specified binary pattern as input
  textpattern=TEXT         use repeating TEXT as input
  errlog=FILE              send error messages to FILE as well as stderr
  hashwindow=BYTES         perform a hash on every BYTES amount of data
  hash=NAME                either md5, sha1, sha256, sha384 or sha512
                             default algorithm is md5. To select multiple
                             algorithms to run simultaneously enter the names
                             in a comma separated list
  hashlog=FILE             send MD5 hash output to FILE instead of stderr
                             if you are using multiple hash algorithms you
                             can send each to a seperate file using the
                             convention ALGORITHMlog=FILE, for example
                             md5log=FILE1, sha1log=FILE2, etc.
  hashlog:=COMMAND         exec and write hashlog to process COMMAND
                             ALGORITHMlog:=COMMAND also works in the same fashion
  hashconv=[before|after]  perform the hashing before or after the conversions
  hashformat=FORMAT        display each hashwindow according to FORMAT
                             the hash format mini-language is described below
  totalhashformat=FORMAT   display the total hash value according to FORMAT
  status=[on|off]          display a continual status message on stderr
                             default state is "on"
  statusinterval=N         update the status message every N blocks
                             default value is 256
  sizeprobe=[if|of]        determine the size of the input or output file
                             for use with status messages. (this option
                             gives you a percentage indicator)
                             WARNING: do not use this option against a
                                      tape device.
  split=BYTES              write every BYTES amount of data to a new file
                             This operation applies to any of=FILE that follows
  splitformat=TEXT         the file extension format for split operation.
                             you may use any number of 'a' or 'n' in any combo
                             the default format is "nnn"
                             NOTE: The split and splitformat options take effect
                                  only for output files specified AFTER these
                                  options appear in the command line.  Likewise,
                                  you may specify these several times for
                                  for different output files within the same
                                  command line. you may use as many digits in
                                  any combination you would like.
                                  (e.g. "anaannnaana" would be valid, but
                                  quite insane)
  vf=FILE                  verify that FILE matches the specified input
  verifylog=FILE           send verify results to FILE instead of stderr
  verifylog:=COMMAND       exec and write verify results to process COMMAND

    --help           display this help and exit
    --version        output version information and exit

The structure of of FORMAT may contain any valid text and special variables.
The built-in variables are used the following format: #variable_name#
To pass FORMAT strings to the program from a command line, it may be
necessary to surround your FORMAT strings with "quotes."
The built-in variables are listed below:

  window_start    The beginning byte offset of the hashwindow
  window_end      The ending byte offset of the hashwindow
  block_start     The beginning block (by input blocksize) of the window
  block_end       The ending block (by input blocksize) of the hash window
  hash            The hash value
  algorithm       The name of the hash algorithm

For example, the default FORMAT for hashformat and totalhashformat are:
   hashformat="#window_start# - #window_end#: #hash#"
   totalhashformat="Total (#algorithm#): #hash#"

The FORMAT structure accepts the following escape codes:
  \n   Newline
  \t   Tab
  \r   Carriage return
  \\   Insert the '\' character
  ##   Insert the '#' character as text, not a variable

BLOCKS and BYTES may be followed by the following multiplicative suffixes:
xM M, c 1, w 2, b 512, kD 1000, k 1024, MD 1,000,000, M 1,048,576,
GD 1,000,000,000, G 1,073,741,824, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.
Each KEYWORD may be:

  ascii     from EBCDIC to ASCII
  ebcdic    from ASCII to EBCDIC
  ibm       from ASCII to alternated EBCDIC
  block     pad newline-terminated records with spaces to cbs-size
  unblock   replace trailing spaces in cbs-size records with newline
  lcase     change upper case to lower case
  notrunc   do not truncate the output file
  ucase     change lower case to upper case
  swab      swap every pair of input bytes
  noerror   continue after read errors
  sync      pad every input block with NULs to ibs-size; when used
            with block or unblock, pad with spaces rather than NULs

Report bugs to <>.
# ./vobcopy --help
bash: ./vobcopy: No such file or directory
# ./growisofs --help
bash: ./growisofs: No such file or directory
Ah, yes, that symlink did the trick, for ripping anyway. Thanks Karl.
Karl wrote:
I would suggest to symlink

Code: Select all

ln -s /usr/lib/

Posted: Mon 30 Jan 2012, 11:18
by nubc
If he hasn't done it already, Barry K should consider including CopyDVD in the Puppy standard toolkit.

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 19:38
by Karl Godt
Just a short note >

The /usr/local/copydvd/dcfldd needs GLIC >= 2.7 so won't work on Puppy 4 glibc 2.6.1

DL src from

without the patch compiled fine .

The pet seems to work .

15GB partitions might be too small , had 1,3GB left after running

<action>xterm -e dcfldd if=/dev/dvd of='"$ISOLOCATION$ISONAME"' &</action>

The most important feature is that i can play all .VOB now with gxine from the DVD , not just the first one .

Thank you smokey01 !

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 20:50
by smokey01
Karl, you are welcome.

I'm not sure what you meant about this statement
The most important feature is that i can play all .VOB now with gxine from the DVD , not just the first one.
Karl Godt wrote:Just a short note >

The /usr/local/copydvd/dcfldd needs GLIC >= 2.7 so won't work on Puppy 4 glibc 2.6.1

DL src from

without the patch compiled fine .

The pet seems to work .

15GB partitions might be too small , had 1,3GB left after running

<action>xterm -e dcfldd if=/dev/dvd of='"$ISOLOCATION$ISONAME"' &</action>

The most important feature is that i can play all .VOB now with gxine from the DVD , not just the first one .

Thank you smokey01 !

Posted: Wed 01 Feb 2012, 09:00
by Karl Godt
Can not reproduce the problem of not being able to play some of the .vob from the dvd mounted directly (udf) today .

Suspecting kernel version or malcompiled (crypto) driver .

Yesterday it had been

Copy DVD Utility

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 02:34
by GaRailroader

This utility looks like it is probably the best thing since sliced bread. Unfortunately, I'm not savvy enough to get it to work. When I click the copy button nothing happens. My DVD is showing up on my Desktop as sr0. I edited the script replacing dvd with sr0 and it didn't make any difference. Any Suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Re: Copy DVD Utility

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 07:11
by smokey01
What operating system are you using?
GaRailroader wrote:Smokey01:

This utility looks like it is probably the best thing since sliced bread. Unfortunately, I'm not savvy enough to get it to work. When I click the copy button nothing happens. My DVD is showing up on my Desktop as sr0. I edited the script replacing dvd with sr0 and it didn't make any difference. Any Suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Re: Copy DVD Utility

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 19:30
by GaRailroader

Puppy 5.28.
