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Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:26
by nooby
I tested with root and then just hit enter and it did not need any password
or used one that Iguleder has given it? Just work with root and enter.
Boots real fast.

title subito
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /subito/initrd.gz
kernel /subito/vmlinuz vga=791
initrd /subito/initrd.gz

or iso boot. Place the iso in the subito directory. But my first choice
boot without having the iso on the partition. You only need to put
the files in the directory.

title subito
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /subito/vmlinuz boot=fll vga=791 fromiso=/subito/subito-0.9.0.iso
initrd /subito/initrd.gz

I don't know what the boot=fll refers to.

The build seems to lack ntfs-3g so how does one add that one or
if it is there how does one activate it?

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:55
by Jim1911
Hi nooby,

That worked and like you said it's fast, however, the desktop is too confusing for me also and I'm unable to get on the internet too. I need to wait until it's evolved further, of course it may not ever get down to my level.


Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 11:15
by nooby
Jim1911 wrote:Hi nooby,
... the desktop is too confusing for me also and I'm unable to get on the internet too. ...

I don't want to take up Iguleder's time with my lack of knowledge
so if somebody else that know how to get the LAN or WAN going
and how one get used to the Window Manager being so different?
I also need to learn how to get the NTFS ntfs-3g going and how
one mount the sda1 or sad2 or whatever NTFS that I booted on.

How does one do a dd of the iso image over to a flash memory?
I prefer that Iguleder spen exciting time on the dev instead of
answering my naive questions. So what do you guys say?

Share your knowledge. here or maybe a new thread?

Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 22:23
by Iguleder
Regarding your internet connection - it varies between connection types. You'll have to use all the command-line tools that ship with the distro for this - just read how to get it workin'. It's extremely easy once you do it once.

Regarding ntfs-3g, just get a Slackware package or build one yourself, you don't need my help for this. C'mon, you're so much smarter than that. :)

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 23:21
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello, Iguleder :)!

Building 32-bit varieties of subito (yes, still a bit behind the bleeding edge, technology-wise) using roar-ng-003.

I must say, I really appreciate that once 3builddistro has been successfully run, it's possible to directly continue with 4buildpackage to build needed packages (had to use a few re-packaged .pet's for a 32-bit pre-build).

One thing about the builder, though;
when building e.g. xpad, using the provided build-script, the build-process trips at the sources download protocol being https (the wget-option --no-check-certificate fixes downloading manually).

Now, to my question;
would adding the wget-option --no-check-certificate to the download_file-function of skeleton/devx/package_tools/usr/sbin/buildpkg bork downloading with standard http?
Doesn't seem to, but I only checked with "--spider" as of yet, since I'm busy building ... :) (yet, again :oops: )

Thanks for a very good woof-contender build-tool (I'll still tweak it to build a semi-puppy/semi-subito thingy).

Cheers :)/ MHHP

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2012, 20:42
by gcmartin
@Iguleder. check PM

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2012, 19:52
by Iguleder
Already started on a new round of improvements to roar-ng. The biggest one is probably one of the new features - I want to implement "hybrid" installations by allowing the distro to use a partition instead of a save file.

This way, you get unlimited space (e.g the size limitation of save files is gone) and I/O is faster.

I also want to get Xfce working this weekend - it should be interesting to see how small it gets. :)

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2012, 20:24
by nooby
Iguleder wrote:...
I also want to get Xfce working this weekend - it should be interesting to see how small it gets. :)
I would love to be able to download a .iso with Xfce working when one boot.
I have read a lot of info on CWM now and it is way beyond my capacity.

Nowhere in the documentation and man pages does it explain how to use it
on a noob level. So xfce would be a blessing indeed.
Picture of a booted subito with CWM ... h&id=51556
CWM Manual pages ... &sektion=1 ... &sektion=5[/quote]

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2012, 20:52
by Iguleder
By the way - I forgot to mention - roar-ng distributions are multi-user. Just run "create_user" in the console :wink:

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 05:46
by Ray MK
Nooby said:
I would love to be able to download a .iso with Xfce working when one boot.
Would be nice.

Iguleder said:
By the way - I forgot to mention - roar-ng distributions are multi-user. Just run "create_user" in the console
This is very nice.

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 08:59
by Iguleder
If you're trying to make a Xfce distro closer, here's my answer for you, Ray: you're always free to work on this.

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 09:14
by nooby
Yes I know it is very dangerous to comment on what a Dev has
already talked about. It takes away his or her inner motivation
to continue on that project.

My poor memory tells me that you have already planned to do this
I try to find the post. ... 323#605323

Iguleder writes: EDIT 2: I've started working on build scripts for Xfce.
I want to see if it's possible to build a "desktop" flavor of Subito with Xfce,
some major web browser (e.g Firefox) and assorted lightweight GTK
applications (e.g Geany, mhWaveEdit, mtPaint, DeaDBeeF, GNOME-
MPlayer, etc') based on the normal one.

Nooby comment. Had we not comment on it then it would have been realized
but due to my too eager wish it is too late. I am so sad! It is my bad!

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 16:46
by MinHundHettePerro
Slowly getting the hang of it, see attached screenie of sbto32 - basically a 32-bit replica of Subito-0.9.0.

The more I play around with it, the more I see how well thought-out the selection of included applications is.

Thanks :)/ MHHP

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 17:15
by Iguleder
I'm currently working on a new set of improvements:
- /etc/rc.d/rc.update is now faster; it skips the creation of cache if it exists already, reducing the already quick boot times. It's the slowest part of the init script; now it should take a few seconds on the first run and that's it.
- buildpkg now plays nicely with build scripts in the current directory; previously, you had to put "./" before the script path - not anymore.
- New desktop background 8)
- Some code cleanup
- Some updates - the repository is mostly frozen, but I updated Vifm and tomorrow I'm going to update the kernel. All the "snapshot" packages (e.g libav, mplayer2 and Vim) will stay at these versions some time, since they're stable and work extremely well.
- NetworkManager - I'm trying to see if it's possible to get it working under Subito. :D

EDIT: got NetworkManager running, but nm-applet has GNOME dependencies. Forget it :lol:

EDIT 2: uploaded the new kernel, which is upgraded from 3.0.21 to 3.0.22.

EDIT 3: started working on a thorough manual. I attached what I've got so far. :)

EDIT 4: re-uploaded the manual. It's quite useful now. 8)

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 22:06
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello :)!

Just a tip for all ye roar-ng:ers out there; I found the following change to /etc/profile making it easy to set one's own LANG- and LC_*-variables in /etc/profile.local

Code: Select all

[root@sbto32-9e0e roar-ng-003_2]# cat etc_profile.diff 
--- sandbox3/rootfs-complete/etc/profile2012-02-17 21:22:59.000000000 +0000
+++ /etc/profile2012-02-25 20:11:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
         source $i
-[ -e /etc/profile.local ] && source /etc/profile.local
+#[ -e /etc/profile.local ] && source /etc/profile.local # MHHP
 # important variables #
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
+[ -e /etc/profile.local ] && source /etc/profile.local # MHHP
 # directories #
(Perhaps LANG & LC_*-vars are better set elsewhere, just tinkerin' away ...)
Cheers :)/ MHHP

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 22:25
by 2byte
roar-ng-001 produced a working iso that boots to cwm, but 003 boots to a black screen. Most distros do that on my amd 64 kit.

Any idea what changed between 001 and 003 that might cause this?

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 08:32
by nooby
What am I suppose to extract that bz2 thing with? Xarchive pupzip says
...: No wrapper found for archive /mnt/home/Texts-etc/roar-ng-howto.pdf.bz2

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 13:37
by 2byte
bz2 is the bzip2 open source compression algorithm. I'm surprised your pup doesn't have it. Here's the howto in tar.gz for you

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 14:57
by nooby
Thanks MHHP told me too bzip2 -d roar-ng-howto.pdf.bz2

I had no idea what a bzip2 where. Had not seen it before.
Thanks for caring about me

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 17:56
by peebee
I'm struggling with the boot code to create a savefile....

I've got subito on my usb stick in a directory called subito

If I put home=sdb1 into menu.lst on the kernel line then I get an error message on boot saying directory /mnt/sdb1 does not exist....

If I have no home= code then subito does boot ok but non-persistently

Code: Select all

title Subito (sdb1/subito)
  find --set-root --ignore-floppies /subito/initrd.gz
  kernel /subito/vmlinuz home=sdb1
  initrd /subito/initrd.gz
What do I need to put???
