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Spelling for Geany

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 11:15
by mimeini
Hi Puppyites
I have compiled Geany (0.21) from the source code because I wanted it to play along with Geany plug-ins. So after I compiled and installed Geany from source i compiled Geany plugin 0.21. I did this to get spell check to work with Geany. And it works fine now. (provided you have aspell and some dictionaries installed properly). I've made two pet packets out of this two installations so now others who are running Lucent Puppy can just install these packages if they would want to have spell check ability in your Geany editor.

You will have to install both pets: (3.1 MB) (859 KB)

To enable spell checking after installation go to Geany -> Tools -> Plugin manager. There you'll find a box where you can highlight and then press OK. Spell check can now be activated from the Tools menu at the bottom.


abispell dictionaries

Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2012, 18:18
by don570
I made the abispell dictionaries into easy-to-install pet packages.

A large number of languages exist including English.

Posted: Sat 11 Feb 2012, 09:33
by mimeini
Yes I noticed. Good work. I've also used AbiWord to spell check but I think that AbiWord is very unstable. Crashes very easily if for instance i mixe fonts, etc. and I also have a character problem. So if I type on my keyboard I get " i get instad >> in AbiWord. It's also annoying if I copiere something from the internet then it comes in with the font it had out on the web, but I often just want to have it converteret to the font I now use in my text document. So it was a great step forward for me to be able to spell check from Geany. It is more stable and better functioning of the work I do.


Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 17:46
by don570
I apparently forgot to post my improved version of the dictionaries :oops:

I now have version 1.2 available at the thread ... 453#604453
