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Compiz as default desktop environment ?

Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2012, 19:21
by Gnuxo
I just learned not to long ago that Compiz can be the standalone window manager.

...And that it's remarkably lightweight. This made me wonder if there would be Puppy that uses Compiz instead of Openbox or JWM.

Compiz plus Tint2 or Fbpanel? Compiz effects and Emerald's window decorations while maintaining a small iso size?

Posted: Fri 10 Feb 2012, 00:34
by aarf
Yes it has been done long ago now. So long i have forgotten the name of it . It was by forum member dinky. Tiger pup. I think.

Posted: Fri 10 Feb 2012, 05:04
by 01micko
Yeah right aarf.. as if you don't know that tigers cause ripples when they jump into a pond :wink:

Gnuxo.. slacko-5.3.1 handles compiz ok, with rox as the desktop, lxpanel as the taskbar and Emerald managing windows.. in a similar way to dinky's aforementioned dabble into compiz.. do some searching :wink:

Posted: Fri 10 Feb 2012, 07:01
by aarf
Thanks micko. Yes it morphed from eeetiger into ripple get it from links at ... &start=315

Posted: Fri 10 Feb 2012, 15:18
by russoodle
Hello Gnuxo,

As 01micko says, Slacko 5.3.1 gets the wobbly boot going very well, it rocks my little old Thinkpad T42P!

I refer you to Micko's Slacko-Puppy thread and post with the relevant info for you: ... 1117#59117, also this post, where you'll find a link to the compiz-helper.002 file, rather than using compiz-helper.001, found in the first-mentioned post.

Good luck and happy wobbling :D