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Scratch: Programming for kids

Posted: Sat 11 Feb 2012, 19:30
by sc0ttman
Scratch - programming tool for kids

Scratch Homepage wrote:Create and share your own interactive stories, games, music and art.
Scratch is a really easy way for young kids to learn about programming,
how it works, and it shows clearly the building blocks of a program.

How to use it:
- just create/import objects/sprites
- click on an object or scene
- then drag and drop customisable controls and actions
- then run the project to test it

It's really easy to use, and can be used to create animations and games.
You can import images, audio, etc, or record/create your own...

This is used in some UK schools, to fend off boredom and teach
some programming skills that might otherwise seem complicated or boring.

Scratch requires Squeak.
Squeak is a VM type thing, and Scratch runs on top of it.

Here are the download, tested and working on Akita Linux beta 7.
It should also work on most if not all other recent pups.



To download, right-click and choose "save as" or whatever... ;)

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2012, 10:18
by Lobster
sc0ttman :)

I may have special needs :?
Took me ages to work out after downloading and installing two pets
just type scratch at console (worked in Slacko beta

The output can be turned into jars (java files - see scratch wiki) meaning they will run across different platforms 8)

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2012, 13:48
by Geoffrey
Lobster wrote:sc0ttman :)

I may have special needs :?
Took me ages to work out after downloading and installing two pets
just type scratch at console (worked in Slacko beta

The output can be turned into jars (java files - see scratch wiki) meaning they will run across different platforms 8)

The menu entry needs fixing, it was trying to run the icon, /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/scratch.png

here is a fixed one, just extract it and replace the original in /usr/share/applications

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2012, 15:05
by sc0ttman
yeah sorry, forgot to say the menu entry needs fixing...
Will re-upload some time tonight...

EDIT: package menu entry now fixed :)

Post subject:

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 23:47
by Lookinglass360
Hi sc0ttman
Thanks for this sounds great, however I couldn't get either pet
tried scratch twice and squeak once.
What I did get looks like the screen shot.

Thanks for all your efforts!

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 23:50
by RSH
Try right-click on the link and choose --> save link as <-- i did get such things very often, so i do now use mostly right-click to download.

Post subject:

Posted: Tue 13 Mar 2012, 00:15
by Lookinglass360

That seems to have worked :D
First time in three yrs for me!

Happy trails!

Posted: Tue 31 Jul 2012, 11:00
by antiloquax
I hadn't noticed this before!
I use Scratch quite a bit - I have written some things for the MagPi (Raspberry Pi magazine) on Scratch. It is a really fun way to get into programming.

Also it's really popular in Uk schools at the moment. Pretty much all secondary schools I know of use it.

Posted: Thu 08 May 2014, 12:34
by alaindu22
if you want try scratch2 offline , I have made this sfs (60 Mo ) ... f56971088a

it contains scratch2 and adobe air sdk
I have tested its on lucid and precise and it's ok
restart x server to have the scratch's shortcut on desktop


Posted: Thu 15 May 2014, 04:16
by partsman
Well done alaindu22 :D
Scratch is good fun !
Thanks for bringing scratch 2 to puppy :wink:
Running great on wary !

Posted: Thu 29 May 2014, 17:10
by slavvo67
Is there a Scratch Sr. for adults like me? :D

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 21:26
by oui
bonjour Alain et merci
(je suis en train de télécharger).

en fait j'ai réalisé seulement maintenant que j'avais déjà installé précédemment Scratch2 dans ma précédente version d'Ubuntu, la mise à jour d'Ubuntu en ayant occasionné la perte...

et puis que si on ne peut plus installer Air dans Linux, ce n'est que pour les nouvelles et actuelles versions d'Air. il existe une version 2.6 d'Air pour Linux qu'Adobe ne va plus maintenir ni mettre à jour, mais en permet toujours le téléchargement, mais sur laquelle Scratch2 se base. Donc pour Scratch2, Air reste actuellement disponible pour Linux, même depuis le site officiel d'Adobe!

je venais juste de télécharger tout ça pour en faire une copie sur mon disque dur pour l'avenir, car nul ne peut prédire combien de temps les versions d'Air et de Scratch2 qui concordent resteront disponibles en ligne...

en ce qui concerne ma réflexion relative à Parley, elle vient du fait que Logo est en quelque sorte un dérivé de Lisp, et Scratch une copie très remaniée de Logo, donc dans une certaine manière, une sorte de dérivé un bon cran plus lointain de Lisp, et Lisp fut créé vraiment pour la manipulation de listes (je crois que le nom en dérive même, quelque chose comme LIStenProzessor). Ors un traineur de vocabulaire, c'est le cas par excellence d un programme traitant des listes. dans son ouvrage magistral sur Logo (est disponible en gratuiciel en ligne) Bian Harvey, le pape ou papa de Logo insiste sur les hautes qualités de Logo à traiter des listes et à ne pas se confiner seulement sur des taches répétitives visuelles...

le problème est d'ouvrir des listes de tailles illimitées et de les lire séquentiellement, puis d'en extraire au hasard des éléments et de questionner. Turbo Prolog avait une banque de données intégrée très spéciale qui gérait impec de telles tâches!


et bon week end

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 21:36
by oui
Hi Alain

I did transfer my last message to the "home" discussion on Scratch

We are reading about Scratch Vers. 2 und Adobe Air!

It works in LaZy-THD100 as well as in Lassie (=Precise derivate).
The icon appears on the desktop after installation and Scratch2 starts
(but I didn't test more than move a little the "turtle"

I don't undestand why this thread has to be in «Games» as we have a better subdivision for it ( Educational )...

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 21:50
by oui
concerning kids please do not continue the discussion here but there: ... 280#787280

How a commercial programmer can try to help free systems!

Posted: Tue 08 Jul 2014, 09:45
by oui

Thanks - works on Slacko 5.7

Posted: Fri 08 Aug 2014, 08:04
by seacyd
Thank you sc0ttman - pet works fine on Slacko 5.7

Scratch 3.0 offline desktop squashfs/sfs

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 15:31
by trister
Scratch 3.0 offline desktop with electron in an squashfs/sfs (just rename .squashfs to .sfs)
Using it on StretchDog 64bit (with libc 2.24)


If you're desperate for Scratch 3 offline for 32bit system you could try loading the above (64bit) SFS first and then loading :
(make sure you use BOTH the above SFSs)
It was made as a quick way to run offline scratch on an old StretchDog 32bit system.