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Intermittant soundcard Intel8x0 [solved]

Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2012, 16:03
by darkcity
The soundcard sometimes works and other times not.

I've been trying to fix but now sound doesn't work at all.

I run alsaconf (wizard) and it detects the cards - see picture

however aplay reveals no soundcards

sh-4.1# aplay -l
aplay: device_list:240: no soundcards found...

I've tried reboot and selecting CA106 and Intel8x0, but no soundcards detected and retrovol won't start up

any ideas

Puppy 5.29 on Pentium 4


Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2012, 23:11
by Semme
DC, is the correct driver loaded and "in use" when it doesn't work: lspci -k

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 01:08
by Peterm321
any ideas

Puppy 5.29 on Pentium 4
I dont really know at all, though it appears that there is more than one soundcard attached to your computer. Is it possibe that the system could at times choke with this kind of configuration?

The commandline program alsamixer might be worth a look. F2 provides a list of useful files in the /proc/asound directory for viewing, and F6 to change the default soundcard. As I dont have more than one soundcard I dont know if this could help, maybe worth a try if no better advice arises.

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 19:44
by darkcity
Thanks for the help ; -)

I couldn't work it out. Both multimedia pci's were detected by puppy but the sound wizard wouldn't set them up. alsamixer would not start up. I've reverted to an earlier pup save file - sound is now back working. will monitor puppy to see why sometimes the sound doesn't start.


Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 15:18
by darkcity
I think I've found the solution - control the order the sound modules are loaded in-


Added code to/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

Code: Select all

#choose order of sound modules
options snd-ca0106 index=0
options snd-intel8x0 index=1

will continue to monitor and report :twisted:

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 00:58
by postfs1

Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2012, 10:46
by darkcity
soundcard is now correctly selected on every boot ; -)