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Songbird 2.0.0-i686 (stable)

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 01:39
by TheAsterisk!
Songbird is an extensible music manager and web browser.

NOTE: Songbird no longer officially supports Linux, but it works just fine.

This package is for the latest stable release of Songbird, 2.0.0. I've also included the previous stable package, version 1.10.3 *(For nightly builds, please see this thread instead.)

Runs nicely on Slacko 531, but likely works with other Puppy versions just as well.

Downloads (21.09 MB) (20.26 MB)


NOTE: The web browser in release 2.0.0 can be a bit finicky, but disabling javascript seems to help significantly, even on some sites where there isn't any javascript content. (Tools -> Options -> Web Content; look for the check box.)

I keep Songbird installed mainly for its 7digital plugin, that being one of too-few ways to download music from an online store from Puppy, but it's a good media player in its own right.

Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2012, 05:29
by bones01
Thanks for putting this up TheAsterisk! My Songbird died for no apparent reason yesterday, so I gave this a go. Unfortunately some of the plugins that I've become used to don't work with this, so I went back to 1.9.3.

Good to know there are some newer versions out there though.


Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2012, 21:00
by TheAsterisk!
UPDATED from version 1.10.2 to 1.10.3

Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2012, 14:22
by TheAsterisk!
UPDATED to version 2.0.0. Version 1.10.3 still available.