"Cinepaint-0.22.1" in "Quirky-1.40" ! script

Paint programs, vector editors, 3d modelers, animation editors, etc.
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"Cinepaint-0.22.1" in "Quirky-1.40" ! script

#1 Post by postfs1 »


Code: Select all

#= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
#Information: there are an error outputs in the command line at use of the program.
#= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# # #
sh /mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Install_Cinepaint_step1--sr0.sh ;
sleep 0.5s ;
sh /mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Install_Cinepaint_step2--sr0.sh ;
sleep 0.5s ;
# # #
#128 px > 48 px
convert /usr/share/pixmaps/cinepaint.png -scale 37.5% /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/cinepaint.png ;
# # #
rm /usr/share/applications/fedora-cinepaint.desktop ;
sed -i".tmp" '/"Cinepaint"/d' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;
echo '[Desktop Entry]' > /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Encoding=UTF-8' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Name=CinePaint' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'GenericName=CinePaint' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Comment=Edit high resolution and HDR pictures' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Type=Application' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Categories=RasterGraphics;' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Exec=cinepaint' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo '#TryExec=cinepaint' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/cinepaint.png' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'StartupNotify=false' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'Terminal=false' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'MimeType=image/bmp;image/crw;image/jpeg;image/jpg;image/nef;image/pjpeg;image/png;image/sti;image/tiff;image/x-bmp;image/x-compressed-xcf;image/x-fits;image/x-gray;application/pdf;image/x-png;image/x-psd;image/x-sgi;image/x-tga;image/x-xbitmap;image/x-xcf;image/x-xpixmap;image/x-xwindowdump;image/x-cin;application/dicom;image/x-dpx;image/x-gbr;application/gbr;image/x-exr;image/x-pic;' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
echo 'X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.15' >> /usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop ;
sed -i".tmp" '/\/pinboard/d' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;
sleep 1s ;
#echo '<icon x="992" y="512" label="Cinepaint">/usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop</icon>' >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;
echo '<icon x="160" y="536" label="CineP">/usr/share/applications/Cinepaint-0.22.1-12.desktop</icon>' >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;
echo '</pinboard>' >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;
sleep 1s ;
rox -p=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;
fixmenus ;
sleep 0.5s ;
xmessage "Program -=Cinepaint-0.22.1-12=- has been installed." `jwm -restart`


Code: Select all

cd /room ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/cinepaint-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "b9dbc6f12c522e7319cb0ceb8c6257e4  cinepaint-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i cinepaint-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/cinepaint-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/cinepaint-libs-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "ba85433490c1c7771ef2e2e4ea98bad1  cinepaint-libs-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i cinepaint-libs-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/cinepaint-libs-0.22.1-12.fc11.2.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/color-filesystem-1-5.noarch.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "017a6c509e9fc9266a27ae4b8f4d7522  color-filesystem-1-5.noarch.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i color-filesystem-1-5.noarch.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/color-filesystem-1-5.noarch.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/elektra-0.7.0-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "407f82da837d13fc29d98fbc58b66b37  elektra-0.7.0-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i elektra-0.7.0-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/elektra-0.7.0-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/fltk-1.1.9-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "f622a3953ff8d85e4f1fefe0e7fb53ca  fltk-1.1.9-4.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i fltk-1.1.9-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/fltk-1.1.9-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/ftgl-2.1.2-10.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "8b64b740c28eceafe6c1dd625c1732b8  ftgl-2.1.2-10.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i ftgl-2.1.2-10.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ftgl-2.1.2-10.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/ilmbase-1.0.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "b21d48a6ed18c5904e602d7916163d68  ilmbase-1.0.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i ilmbase-1.0.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ilmbase-1.0.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/lcms-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "c5c447bbc3092004c2cad1da18278a00  lcms-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i lcms-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/lcms-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/lcms-libs-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "701f53b1ececa22aa04f8547a1ff94d4  lcms-libs-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i lcms-libs-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/lcms-libs-1.19-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "96c934cb092bf073ace9c10cce025f44  libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/libXNVCtrl-169.12-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "675b82f691f6f1a8d147f6061f6e7def  libXNVCtrl-169.12-3.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i libXNVCtrl-169.12-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/libXNVCtrl-169.12-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/OpenEXR-libs-1.6.1-8.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "140259b8f448442d52664b49cb7555f6  OpenEXR-libs-1.6.1-8.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i OpenEXR-libs-1.6.1-8.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/OpenEXR-libs-1.6.1-8.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/oyranos-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "33c89d26c8ad883abc629c5f1955734a  oyranos-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i oyranos-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/oyranos-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/oyranos-libs-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "9e145cb546d7ac6bff72bedf9b028358  oyranos-libs-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i oyranos-libs-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/oyranos-libs-0.1.9-3.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/pycairo-1.8.2-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "d32a19ebaedac3d729497eaa8fc5a4d4  pycairo-1.8.2-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pycairo-1.8.2-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/pycairo-1.8.2-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
xmessage "STEP - 1."


Code: Select all

cd /room ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/pygobject2-2.16.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "7735cbab4dfbedefb76346923a7e49c4  pygobject2-2.16.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pygobject2-2.16.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/pygobject2-2.16.1-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/pygtk2-2.14.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "7c5f65be473f4460e45cf9a352218253  pygtk2-2.14.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pygtk2-2.14.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/pygtk2-2.14.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/python-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "3d270f0adf1488423d909723ddc6975c  python-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i python-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/python-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/python-libs-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "c195928248c026a3165fc7fde03a975b  python-libs-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i python-libs-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/python-libs-2.6-12.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/xcalib-0.8-6.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "b12e5752899a457919e40d719382e2c4  xcalib-0.8-6.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i xcalib-0.8-6.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/xcalib-0.8-6.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-17_files/icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.0-1.fc17.1.noarch.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "4dd10cf92dfe1da372765033bc45a2ee  icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.0-1.fc17.1.noarch.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.0-1.fc17.1.noarch.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.0-1.fc17.1.noarch.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/gtkimageview-1.6.3-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "fc74a6933c8f561abb8571c67ef81bf0  gtkimageview-1.6.3-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i gtkimageview-1.6.3-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/gtkimageview-1.6.3-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/pango-1.24.5-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "e37215e73bec170145746ee5263d2d89  pango-1.24.5-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pango-1.24.5-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/pango-1.24.5-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/pkgconfig-0.23-8.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "02f92b39131cd09417a1b1e7a1013572  pkgconfig-0.23-8.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pkgconfig-0.23-8.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/pkgconfig-0.23-8.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/shared-mime-info-0.60-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "5ada92b170055e7453217df387c9f4f9  shared-mime-info-0.60-4.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i shared-mime-info-0.60-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/shared-mime-info-0.60-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/ufraw-cinepaint-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "129c85fbe14e4ea0bf588a0d7febcd63  ufraw-cinepaint-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i ufraw-cinepaint-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ufraw-cinepaint-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Fedora-11_files/ufraw-common-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "daa91394132e07e6c392b6aeb38724d9  ufraw-common-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i ufraw-common-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ufraw-common-0.15-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
#Now, deb.
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/Ubuntu-Lucid_files/oyranos-icc_0.1.9-1~getdeb3_all.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "0404dc641b77100061deb2075019a216  oyranos-icc_0.1.9-1~getdeb3_all.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/installpkg.sh oyranos-icc_0.1.9-1~getdeb3_all.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/oyranos-icc_0.1.9-1~getdeb3_all.deb ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
#Now, pet.
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Cinepaint/PET_files/mesa-7.6-q1.pet ;
if [ ! `echo -e "3fb259119ae7df9b9973eee65326ebe2  mesa-7.6-q1.pet" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rox /room/mesa-7.6-q1.pet ; xmessage "-=mesa-7.6-q1.pet=- has been installed. `xmessage "Wait please. There will be 3 pop-ups."`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/mesa-7.6-q1.pet ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
# # #
#For icon resizing ---->
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Inkscape/Fedora-11_files/ImageMagick2- ;
if [ ! `echo -e "6b797425ca4e2fb70f49b41cf8846d7c  ImageMagick2-" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i ImageMagick2- ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ImageMagick2- ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
ln -s /usr/lib/libMagickCore.so.4 /usr/lib/libMagickCore.so.2 ;
ln -s /usr/lib/libMagickWand.so.4 /usr/lib/libMagickWand.so.2 ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Inkscape/Fedora-11_files/ImageMagick2-tools- ;
if [ ! `echo -e "0abfbb5b8f8dfc245edf4dfc670b627e  ImageMagick2-tools-" | md5sum -c - >/room/.md-5.sm ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/.md-5.sm` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/.md-5.sm ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/.md-5.sm`" ; fi ;
rpm -i ImageMagick2-tools- ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ImageMagick2-tools- ;
rm /room/.md-5.sm ;
#<---- For icon resizing
xmessage "STEP - 2."

Edit: 2012, mar 09.

Permissions for -=Install_Cinepaint--sr0.sh=- were changed as shown:

Code: Select all

cd /place_where_Install_Cinepaint--sr0.sh_is_located ; chmod u+x Install_Cinepaint--sr0.sh
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.

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