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NZBGet (Lucid 528-005)

Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2012, 16:59
by chrome307


NZBGet is a command-line based binary newsgrabber for nzb files, written in C++. It supports client/server mode, automatic par-check/-repair and web-interface (via additional package). NZBGet requires low system resources and runs great on routers and NAS-devices.

NZBGet can be used in standalone and in server/client modes. In standalone mode you pass a nzb-file as parameter in command-line, NZBGet downloads listed files and then exits. In server/client mode NZBGet runs as server in background. Then you use client to send requests to server. The sample requests are: download nzb-file, list files in queue, etc.

Standalone-tool, server and client are all contained in only one executable file "nzbget". The mode in which the program works depends on command-line parameters passed to the program.



Once installed you need to add the configuration file (attached)

Put the configuration file in one of these locations and rename to nzbget.conf:

# /etc/nzbget.conf
# /usr/etc/nzbget.conf
# /usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf
# /opt/etc/nzbget.conf

Open it up in a text editor and edit this file to add your newsserver details ie server/login/password/connections.

In the file you can choose the path for the files, by default they will create them in your $Home directory; you can move them outside of this location and make symlinks back - especially usefully if your OS is on a flash drive.

Basic usage:

Open terminal and type:

nzbget -s

this starts it up in 'server' mode

Now you can add your NZB's directly into the newly created NZB folder in your $Home directory and it will search and add them within a timescale OR you can just add them directly to the server by typing in a new terminal window:

nzbget --a MY_DOWNLOAD.nzb

That's it!!

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 10:32
by chrome307
Updated pets. [EDIT - 13 March 2012]

Don't forget you need the LibPAR2 and sample Config file

This is the instruction used to compile:

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-curses --enable-parcheck --enable-tls --with-libxml2-libraries=/usr/lib --with-libcurses-libraries=/usr/lib --with-libsigc-libraries=/usr/lib --with-libpar2-includes=/usr/include --with-libpar2-libraries=/usr/lib --with-libgnutls-libraries=/usr/lib --with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/ --with-openssl-libraries=/usr/lib  

Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 10:40
by chrome307

If you are planning to use SSL encryption please use the OpenSSL pet attached.


Posted: Sun 15 Apr 2012, 08:40
by chrome307
Latest testing release - Release Date: April 12, 2012

Changes since nzbget 0.8.0-testing-r394:

improved the parsing of filename from article subject;
fixed incorrect displaying of group sizes bigger than 4GB on many 64-bit OSes;
fixed a bug causing error on decoding of input data in JSON-RPC;
fixed a compilation error on some windows versions;
fixed: par-repair could fail when the filenames were not correctly parsed from article subjects;
fixed a compatibility issue with OpenBSD (and possibly other BSD based systems); added the automatic configuring of required signal handling logic to better support BSD without breaking the compatibility with certain Linux systems;
corrected the address of Free Software Foundation in copyright notice.

Posted: Tue 01 May 2012, 11:13
by chrome307
NZBGet 0.8.0

April 29, 2012

Changes since nzbget 0.7.0

added priorities; new action <I> for remote command <--edit/-E> to set priorities for groups or individual files; new actions <SetGroupPriority> and <SetFilePriority> of RPC-command <editqueue>; remote command <--list/-L> prints priorities and indicates files or groups being downloaded; ncurses-frontend prints priorities and indicates files or groups being download; new command <PRIORITY> to set priority of nzb-file from nzbprocess-script; RPC-commands <listgroups> and <listfiles> return priorities and indicate files or groups being downloaded;
added renaming of groups; new subcommand <N> for command <--edit/-E>; new action <SetName> for RPC-method <editqueue>;
added new option <AccurateRate>, which enables syncronisation in speed meter; that makes the indicated speed more accurate by eliminating measurement errors possible due thread conflicts; thanks to anonymous nzbget user for the patch;
improved the parsing of filename from article subject;
option <DirectWrite> now efficiently works on Windows with NTFS partitions;
added URL-based-authentication as alternative to HTTP-header authentication for XML- and JSON-RPC;
fixed: nzb-files containing umlauts and other special characters could not be parsed - replaced XML-Reader with SAX-Parser - only on POSIX (not on Windows);
fixed incorrect displaying of group sizes bigger than 4GB on many 64-bit OSes;
fixed a bug causing error on decoding of input data in JSON-RPC;
fixed a compilation error on some windows versions;
fixed: par-repair could fail when the filenames were not correctly parsed from article subjects;
fixed a compatibility issue with OpenBSD (and possibly other BSD based systems); added the automatic configuring of required signal handling logic to better support BSD without breaking the compatibility with certain Linux systems;
corrected the address of Free Software Foundation in copyright notice.

Changes since nzbget 0.8.0-testing-r407


Posted: Wed 02 May 2012, 09:38
by chrome307
If the above application requires additional libs, you may need GnuTLS, which can be found here:

The libs are used for clients who need to use SSL when downloading.

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2012, 11:24
by chrome307

nzbget 9.0-testing-r445 - 04 August 2012

Changes since nzbget 0.8.0 ... ?f=4&t=452

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2012, 13:38
by chrome307
Just an update!

Also managed to get the WebUI working ...... if you need help setting this up let me know.


Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 17:12
by chrome307
If anyone is using the WebGUI interface here is an updated file "config.js"

Posted: Thu 22 Nov 2012, 20:02
by chrome307
nzbget 9.0-testing-r511


Changes since nzbget 9.0-r497

fixed: remote edit commands for group/post/history didn't work properly (bug introduced in r487);
fixed: the loading of configuration in web-interface failed if the program was started with parameter <-c> using relative path to config filename;
extended browser check for IE<9 with a tip about compatibility mode;
extended remote command <--append/-A> with optional parameters:

<T> - adds the file/URL to the top of queue;
<P> - pauses added files;
<C category-name> - sets category for added nzb-file/URL;
<N nzb-name> - sets nzb filename for added URL;
the old switches <--category/-K> and <--top/-T> are deprecated but still supported for compatibility

added new option <NzbAddedProcess> to setup a script called after a nzb-file is added to queue;
fixed: switching between tabs didn't work in IE10;
fixed: version number wasn't displayed in about dialog;
added debug messages for speed meter;
fixed: if the loading of settings tab were cancelled (by clicking on other tab) an error could appear;
made all command-line subcommands case insensitive (like it already was in <--edit/-E>-command) (example: <nzbget -L g> and <nzbget -L G> is the same);
renamed subcommand <K> of command <--edit/-E> to <C> (the old subcommand is still supported for compatibility);

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 08:51
by chrome307
NZBGet 9.0-r518

Changes since nzbget 9.0-r511
  • implemented function <Clear messages> in web-interface; added RPC-method <clearlog>;
    improved the startup script <nzbgetd> so it can be directly used in </etc/init.d> without modifications;
    fixed an issue on mobile safari where the click on time-label (which should bring the statistics dialog) was often registered as a click on speed-label (and showed the time limit dialog instead);
    fixed: saving of file properties (priority or category) failed if a post-processing script having post-processing parameters were not used (bug introduced in r476);

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 13:43
by chrome307