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libreoffice update

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2012, 20:24
by cowboy
Libreoffice has become the "go to" office suite for many, if not most, Linux users. While the current version on their site can be downloaded and applied (maybe, haven't tried it yet) as .deb files on our Lucid puppies, the simplest way for most users to get Libreoffice is as a .sfs file on the official repos through the PPM. Currently, the latest version is 3.3.1. I would request that a newer version be uploaded to the repos, perhaps the final 3.4 version. That would give many of us an updated version of this crucial application in the simplest way possible. If at all possible, thanks so much.

Re: libreoffice update

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2012, 01:00
by Lobster
cowboy wrote:I would request that a newer version be uploaded to the repos, perhaps the final 3.4 version.
Good plan
"Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy." - Joseph Campbell
Puppys are like Buddhas; without rules, with compassion and no Microsoft
Crusty S Lobster :wink:

Re: libreoffice update

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2012, 01:40
by Henry
cowboy wrote:Libreoffice has become the "go to" office suite for many, if not most, Linux users. While the current version on their site can be downloaded and applied (maybe, haven't tried it yet) as .deb files on our Lucid puppies, the simplest way for most users to get Libreoffice is as a .sfs file on the official repos through the PPM. Currently, the latest version is 3.3.1. I would request that a newer version be uploaded to the repos, perhaps the final 3.4 version. That would give many of us an updated version of this crucial application in the simplest way possible. If at all possible, thanks so much.
Go here:

Get the downloader .pet and get LibreOffice 3.5.1 with help, spell check, etc. automated. At least I did. It was simpler to upgrade than in the past, where I had to plaster it in with symlinks, folder name changes, etc.This latest stable version is superb, slicker, better wysiwyg html editor, imports complete, complex WordPerfect docs, etc, etc. It's also the best pdf editor you'll find!

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2012, 20:24
by majorfoo
Got the downloader .pet and get LibreOffice 3.5.1 with help, spell check, etc.
Very fast easy d/l using DSL.
Created the SFS and then using SFSInstall, I installed to full hard drive installation on ext4 partition.

Everything works except base which requires JRE and I do not have it loaded. At present, I do not need base and will continiue using the other programs.

One thing I noticed, this version opens writer, spreadsheet, presentation, etc much, much faster than my windows 7 machine using the same version=3.51.2

My linux pc is HP Pentium 4, 2.8ghz cpu and 2gb memory

My windows pc is HP Pravillon, dm4-2070us, I5-2410m Processor with turbo boost and 6gb memory.

Linux version opens applications 2-3 times faster than WIn 7

Re: libreoffice update

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2012, 20:34
by bones01
"Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy." - Joseph Campbell
Joseph must be reading the wrong Old Testament.

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2012, 20:57
by Jasper

Using Slacko 5.3.1 and loading LibreOffice 3.3 sfs as required and putting Quickstarter in my System Tray takes about 20", but then loading any of the appiications seems almost instantaneous and with 597MB of RAM I can have Quickstarter constantly available.

My regards

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 02:27
by Roy
It's also the best pdf editor you'll find
Can someone explain how to edit PDFs with LibreOffice? I was not aware that was possible.


Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 03:19
by Henry
Open it in Draw.
Edit it.
Export it as pdf.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 09:50
by disciple
In other words you can't truly edit it. You can import it, and then rexport it as a new PDF. What sort of editing do you want to do to the PDF?

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 15:22
by Henry
Good morning, disciple,
Wiktionary: distinction without a difference
A linguistic or conceptual distinction which is of no practical importance or which has no effect on meaning; a perceived difference where there is no actual difference. See also
much of a muchness
same difference
Jack Wallen in TechRepublic:
Import PDFs with ease
In previous iterations of OpenOffice, the PDF import was a kludge at best. Although LibreOffice handles the importing of PDFs the same way (imports them as LibreOffice Draw documents), the results are far better. Once you have imported your PDF (you do so by using the Open dialog), you can edit text, images, and layouts by clicking and dragging (for images/layout) or double-clicking a line of text to edit. (You can edit only a single line of text at a time.) When you finish editing your PDF, don’t save the document — instead, export it as a PDF by clicking File | Export as PDF.
I think most would not object to calling this an edit. I do think that editing pdfs is over rated. I rarerly do, since most pdfs I want to change are mine and I have the source document. But if I've lost it, or want to just make a small change . . .

I've followed your work in this area, but fled the pythons (smile). This, on the other hand, was already here, and just worked.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 15:38
by Roy
Thanks for the information!

I've often needed a way to add a signature to a PDF without the added hardware of a printer or scanner, hence my interest in this feature.

Guess I'll have to wait for an updated SFS (sfs3?) from somebody that works with the 4-series pups (Fluppy 13 or the just released Legacy-OS-4-Mini) to try this out.


Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 20:02
by disciple
This, on the other hand, was already here, and just worked.
Well, it does a different job, doesn't it? It sounds like an alternative to pdfedit...
How much have you used it? It doesn't mess up stuff in the pdf in the process?

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 20:53
by Henry
Well, it does a different job, doesn't it? It sounds like an alternative to pdfedit...
How much have you used it? It doesn't mess up stuff in the pdf in the process?
How do the jobs differ? As I said I haven't edited many pdfs so can't speak broadly. (I had used Acrobat to do this in the past - still have it on wine.) I was impressed with the ease of use of LibreOffice in editing pdfs. I had tried unsuccessfully to get pdfedit and pdfshuffler to work in my QuirkyNop-1.2 but it was not a high priority.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 21:35
by disciple
Pdfedit is for editing the actual content that is on the page, similar to what is described using Libreoffice in the quote from Jack above. It sounds like the Libreoffice method might be a lot easier for this, but I'm guessing if you only wanted to edit one page in a large document you might want to put just that page through libreoffice, and then combine it with the other pages using something like pdfshuffer.
Pdfshuffler is not for editing the content that is on the page - it is for rearranging pages, splitting, merging, rotating, deleting, cropping...
There are two other programs very similar to Pdfshuffler: Final Page (Written in Vala, but it looks like it is unmaintained) and Pdfmod (requires the Mono bloatware; has some extra features such as creating bookmarks).

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 21:52
by Henry
Pdfshuffler is not for editing the content that is on the page - it is for rearranging pages, splitting, merging, rotating, deleting, cropping
I have not tried all these things, but they would appear to also work in LibreOffice. Pages, for example, can be easily moved about with cut and paste in the left index column.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 21:57
by pemasu
There is also pdftk and pdfchain which gives gui for pdftk. I created eons ago pets for them for Lucid Puppy. I believe the pets in Lucid Puppy repo are little wrongly packaged. These versions works.

They need all libgtkmm,libcairomm, libglibmm,libpangomm framework. Those should be in Lucid Puppy...still ?
Libgcj and libgcj-common were needed also in dpup exprimo.
After installing those it works in dpup exprimo also, I installed the libs from debian repo.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 22:27
by Henry
Thanks, Pemasu,

Good to know. (My puppy is too old to have the dependencies.)
But anyone using Linux who is a serious enough writer to be editing pdfs should probably be using LibreOffice anyway (instead of the troublesome Abiword) and will already have most of these facilities "paid for" in the sfs.


BTW I just tried pdfchain. Of course it didn't run, missing a dependency, but when I uninstalled it it left about 5 Mb of residue in the save file. After this many years of Puppy I have "restore from backup" down to an art !

Posted: Wed 21 Mar 2012, 00:52
by disciple
Good to know.
The other main one out there is Podofo.
Henry wrote:
Pdfshuffler is not for editing the content that is on the page - it is for rearranging pages, splitting, merging, rotating, deleting, cropping
I have not tried all these things, but they would appear to also work in LibreOffice. Pages, for example, can be easily moved about with cut and paste in the left index column.
Yes, or by drag and drop.
But I've just done some testing, and as I expected:
- the import/export process is quite slow.
- the page content is "messed up": some pictures have disappeared, the size and spacing of a lot of text has changed slightly, and some of the colours have also changed very slightly.
As you can see, the distinction is not without a difference ;)

They've done a pretty amazing job with libreoffice, and I'm sure for a lot of documents and a lot of purposes it will be fine, but I'll still be recommending people use something like Pdfshuffler if they don't need to edit the page content.
But anyone using Linux who is a serious enough writer to be editing pdfs should probably be using LibreOffice anyway (instead of the troublesome Abiword)
I don't see any connection between being a writer and editing PDFs. e.g. in fields like civil engineering the most regular users of Acrobat Standard are the CAD drafters, most of whom aren't writers at all.
But anyone writer with sense would be using some sort of Latex system. Word processors are just trouble if you need to write serious reports or something.

Posted: Wed 21 Mar 2012, 00:54
by disciple
but when I uninstalled it it left about 5 Mb of residue in the save file
Was the residue really there? I've found that sometimes freememapplet doesn't indicate that space has been freed up until quite a while afterwards.

Posted: Wed 21 Mar 2012, 02:56
by Henry
- the page content is "messed up": some pictures have disappeared, the size and spacing of a lot of text has changed slightly, and some of the colours have also changed very slightly.
The principal bug I've seen (just now) is the loss of full justification, resulting in a ragged right. This is serious, and will I expect be fixed. Haven't lost any pictures. BTW, I assume you are using the latest LO-3.5.1? Does pdfedit have bugs - just asking; I haven't used it.
But anyone writer with sense would be using some sort of Latex system. Word processors are just trouble if you need to write serious reports or something.
Sounds a bit ad hominem. Writers can be quite opinionated about their tools. I won't pursue that except to note that I have written and published a catalog of successful books however innocent of LaTeX.