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better switch to ubuntu for ardour/audacity etc.?

Posted: Thu 22 Mar 2012, 17:32
by lilhelper

I am just new to puppy-usb and I thought about moving to ubuntu-usb cause of audacity and ardour.

Or are there any other distros regarding usb and multimedia-editing?

Re: better switch to ubuntu for ardour/audacity etc.?

Posted: Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:04
by RSH
lilhelper wrote:hI!

I am just new to puppy-usb and I thought about moving to ubuntu-usb cause of audacity and ardour.

Or are there any other distros regarding usb and multimedia-editing?
I did try Ubuntu Studio and Kubuntu, Ubuntu with KDE4. They are too big, there is always, especially in Kubuntu, too much bling bling.

Puppy has Puppy Studio 3.3. A full featured Multimedia Suite. Unfortunately openshot does not find the libmp3lame, which is the mainly needed lib for openshot. That's why i had to leave puppy studio and did start to work on my own derivative - LazY Puppy.

LazY Puppy (now release 2) is about 200mb and has now 11 sfs files with many programs included. There is an Audio-MIDI sfs containing audacity, rosegarden a.m.o. The iso contains jack audio.

If you are installing this jack you can also install this Ardour in LazY Puppy.

I think it will be worth to have a try on LazY Puppy. The link to LazY Puppy is in my signature.

Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2012, 05:15
by capicoso
I run a lucid puppy 5.28 from usb with lots of audio programs just perfectly... Ardour(50+ ladspa plugins, 50+ lv2 plugins), jack, jamin(audio mastering tooll, works with jack+ardour), musescore, puredata(graphical audio programming), cinelerra(video), avidemux, pitivi, kdenlive, wiimote libs, qsynth, rosengarden, processing(multimedia programming(java)), arduino, well lots more... I use most of this programs for my university projects, so i put this puppy on differents pcs everyday and its always perfect. I wouldn't use Ubuntu for my works, even if i'm on an i7, i always need the less requirements possible(hd video editing makes any processor work hard, but with puppy it's not that hard). Just make sure you have your puppy-devx.sfs loaded and kernel source so you can compile some lv2 plugins for ardour. And add ubuntu repos.

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 12:59
by lilhelper
I am on puppy-slacko and ardour and audacity aren't even starting.

Maybe I'll try lucid. Or puppy-studio and hope it will be actuall (3.1?).

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 13:31
by darkcity

I'm going to be compiling audacity, qtractor and jack1 for Polarpup (lucid derivative) over the next couple of weeks.


any chance you can package some of those apps, or provide a copy of your personalized pup. there are many request for audio software by people who don't necessarily get into compiling extra. Also, which version of Jack are you using?


Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 13:37
by lilhelper

i would like to have gentoo on my usb but it takes too much time to compile and to configure.

I'll try puppy-studio.

Welcome to the differences of unix. :lol:

btw.: 3.3 is realeased:

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 14:59
by darkcity
Pup Studio is good but no longer maintained

ideal there would a group maintaining audio apps on pup

lazypup is another option - it has audio sfs packages :twisted:

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 16:51
by capicoso
darkcity wrote:@lilhelper

I'm going to be compiling audacity, qtractor and jack1 for Polarpup (lucid derivative) over the next couple of weeks.


any chance you can package some of those apps, or provide a copy of your personalized pup. there are many request for audio software by people who don't necessarily get into compiling extra. Also, which version of Jack are you using?

Hi. I use jack 0.3.4, the only problem i had was that was missing, downloaded it and everything went ok. Well i'm no expert so i would need to learn how to make .pet packages, if you tell me how to, or give me a link with a tutorial i'll be pleased to learn and make the packages. Well, the problem with my savefile is that's big, around 1gb... Tell me which programs i should package.

Which version of ardour did you download? Ardour-i686_2.8.6-1, thats the one i use. Run it from terminal to see what errors its getting. Also, you need jack server running to get ardour working

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 21:53
by darkcity
Thanks for the offer of help. Maybe Ardour and Jack are a little complex to start with- how about trying MuseScore ?

here are some tutorials

Barry's guide

technosaurus's guide

general info and some tools-

Is Jack 0.3.4 an earlier version of 0.121.3 - can't make out the numbering system


Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 22:10
by capicoso
darkcity wrote:Thanks for the offer of help. Maybe Ardour and Jack are a little complex to start with- how about trying MuseScore ?

here are some tutorials

Barry's guide

technosaurus's guide

general info and some tools-

Is Jack 0.3.4 an earlier version of 0.121.3 - can't make out the numbering system

Yeah, i've been reading tutorials today from the same links you gave me.
I'll try. If i succeed it should work on a clean puppy without the need of installing dependencies?
Jack 0.3.4 is older, 10.04. 0.121.3 is 11.10. It's the same anyways, some bugs fixed for macosx.

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 22:40
by darkcity
my understanding is that it should indeed be a one click install on a clean pup install.

libs and supporting files should be included unless already included in Puppy

static builds won't need this?

You may need separate pet for supporting libs.


regarding Jack I think 0.34 refers to the front end qjackctl not the underlaying libraries jackd

jack 0.118 doesn't support

-JACK Session support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: no
-JACK Latency support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: no

where as jack 0.121.3 does

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2012, 23:12
by capicoso
darkcity wrote:my understanding is that it should indeed be a one click install on a clean pup install.

libs and supporting files should be included unless already included in Puppy

static builds won't need this?

You may need separate pet for supporting libs.


regarding Jack I think 0.34 refers to the front end qjackctl not the underlaying libraries jackd

jack 0.118 doesn't support

-JACK Session support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: no
-JACK Latency support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: no

where as jack 0.121.3 does
I'm testing with pd-l2ork first, it needs two dependencies, tcl and tk. I have tlc and tk in .deb package, should i extract them, add them to the dir where i made new2dir, and then with all together run dir2pet? Nevertheless, i'm going to try everything.
About jack, you're right, i don't know what they mean with sessiion and latency support though, i always worked with 0.118

Well, i finished with pd-l2ork and it worked! I had to add around 5-6 dependencies(tcl, tk, libmagic, libwand, libglew) the only problem was the icon, i don't know why it didn't load it. I doesn't use the /X11 path. I made a custom path, where the original icon is /usr/local/lib/pd-l2ork/ icon:
This way [/usr/local/lib/pd-l2ork] pd-48x48.xpm (ignore the 48x48) its 16x16 but didn't want to change the name.

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 03:58
by capicoso
ey. I fixed the pd icon problem. It works great, it loads all the external pd libs without problems. And i just finished compiling ardour2.8.6 and jack0.118+qjackqtl into 2 pets with all dependencies satisfied.
Tried them in a fresh install, and they worked... If anyone wants to test them, tell me and i upload them. I would like to test it in other puppy flavors before though.

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 11:28
by darkcity
great stuff capicoso, i would like to test them. ; -) As this thread has been moved to Misc, maybe start a new thread in

addtional software -> multimedia

asking if people want to test.

don't know why the forum doesn't leave links when thread is moved?


Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 12:35
by lilhelper
Pup Studio is good but no longer maintained
It offers everything I want (ardour 2.8.11, audacity-1.3.11-beta, gimp, avidemux, etc.).

Last maintainance 2012-02-13:

And I even got this beautifull "apple-bar" (or what is it called).

Maybe I'll try to update all this a bit and if I can learn how to raise own pets I'll let them free.

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 13:14
by darkcity
that page was created as a back up because the developer (low-tech) had moved on.

3.3rt has been around at least since Feb2011

its a good package and possibly all you need. . .

there is a utility that may allow you to extract the pets - gnewpet check-


Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 16:09
by lilhelper
puppystudio doesn't seem to offer "remove build-in packages".


Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 18:15
by darkcity
check thread above - correct error making it not display, have you tried gnewpet

Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2012, 14:17
by lilhelper
gnewpet doesn't start up.

however: puppystudio is what I need. I think about making some icons for it.

Is is allowed to provide an iso by myself?

I also added avidemux.

Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2012, 15:19
by RSH
lilhelper wrote:gnewpet doesn't start up.

however: puppystudio is what I need. I think about making some icons for it.

Is is allowed to provide an iso by myself?

I also added avidemux.
If you want to grab applications from puppy studio or any other puppy using gnewpet, you have to install gtkdialog-0.8 (in puppy so-called gtkdialog4).

Then the gnewpet works absolutely fine. Believe me: i did use it already several times to get applications from severals isos (just mount the iso, then mount the sfs inside the iso and then run gnewpet and choose relative root directory. :)

Works also on save files! :)