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Making .pets problem

Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2012, 05:23
by capicoso
Hi. I don't know if this is the correct place, i was looking around and this seemed to be the correct place, please move it if its not.
So i've made a few .pet packages. Ardour2, jack, and pd-l2ork. I'll start with the simplest one. Pd-l2ork. I download the source, ./configure, new2dir make install. Everything ok, i add the .desktop thing, specs... Pd-l2ork uses 5 or 6 dependencies, libtk, libtcl, libquicktime, etc. So i had some .debs of those dependencies and "undebed" them. And added them to the pd-l2ork directory, and then dir2pet. I install it and everything goes perfect. But when i go to ppm and choose to uninstall it, it says it uninstall it but it's there... all the files stay there. What am i doing wrong? Is that the correct way to add the dependencies?

Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2012, 06:34
by Karl Godt
For every package that installs, there is a /root/.packages/PKG_NAME.files text file, that should include all files in the pet . It does not list the dependencies files .

This .files files gets read while uninstalling .

You must uninstall all dependencies packages with their PKG_NAME.files one by one .

If your package name does not corrrespond with the PKG_NAME.files file , you'll have probs .

Make sure not to use too much special chars in your like

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Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2012, 12:40
by capicoso
Thank you, didn't know that.
Something weird happened tho, i think i messed it up when i was adding the name and description with that gui window that appears when making the dir2pet. My folder with the pet was named ie pd-l2ork-0.42.5-20111217 and so the pet. But when it asked me to name it in the gui window i typed PureData. So when i go to the ppm it looks like PureData-pd-l2ork-0.42.5-20111217, but the .files has the same name as the .pet. I renamed it and i could uninstall it. So i have to do it again and try to not change the name :P . Thanks

Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2012, 03:16
by Karl Godt
Yes; similar to this :
Posted on 30 Dec 2011, 21:33 by K Godt
Other suggestions for petget
It encountered to me that i did rename a to something like .

The un-install did not work because the uninstall looks for the name from inside the pet but the are from the name .

+db_pkg_name=`echo "$DB_ENTRY" |cut -f 1 -d '|'`

+if [ "$db_pkg_name" != "$DLPKG_NAME" ];then

+DB_ENTRY=`echo "$DB_ENTRY" |sed "s#$db_pkg_name#$DLPKG_NAME#"`

Posted on 31 Dec 2011, 18:28 by BarryK
PPM patch
Thanks for that, I have applied your patch in Woof:

The whole patch :
petget does not check if db entry is same as pkg name