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Rdesktop 1.7 for Lucid?

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:04
by iamonsite
Building a thin client that really needs only a modern web browser and a good Rdesktop client. Latest version of Racy has Rdesktop 1.7 which fixed the black arrow pointer - but only has Seamonkey for a browser. When I use Lucid - I can run Chrome 18 or Chromium - but it has the older Rdesktop client - So - one of two things - Either need an up to date browser in Racy - or the updated Rdesktop 1.7 in lucid - Thanks, My users are so picky!

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:54
by playdayz
You could try the Google Chrome 18 for Slacko ...

If it doesn't work, then run it in a terminal and see what error comes up--that might tell us what is missing. I think the Slacko pet is more likely to work than the Lucid pet because libgconf and libOribt are included in the Slacko pet.

rdesktop 1.7.1 compiled in lucid, but I don't know what to do with it or how to test it ;-)