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free woof2(fossil) hosting

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2012, 17:41
by technosaurus

Afaik this is the only place to get free fossil repositories

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2012, 07:46
by jamesbond
psip and fatdog64 (both main and devx) are hosted on chisel.
I'm happy to say that the owner, James Turner (not me) is very friendly and very helpful.

Very helpful when there are multiple people working on the same project together.


Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2012, 11:52
by ldolse
Has anyone successfully managed a puplet as a branch/fork pulled from Barry's Woof tree? I couldn't find any evidence that anyone has done it from the forums, but I assume someone has? I looked at the Fatdog repositories up there and it didn't look like they were used for source code management, just for releases/wiki/tickets.

What I'd like to do is create a branch/fork of Puppy that I can take in my own direction for my puplet and pull in Barry's changes as needed. I just set up a repository on Chisel and was able to mirror Barry's tree over to there without a problem. That said I'm new to Fossil so I guess we'll see how things go as I start making changes to the tree that diverge from trunk. Just curious as to what others have experienced with Fossil in general.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2012, 13:56
by jamesbond
ldolse wrote:I looked at the Fatdog repositories up there and it didn't look like they were used for source code management, just for releases/wiki/tickets.
If you'd logged in you'd see a totally different picture :wink:

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2012, 14:13
by ldolse
jamesbond wrote:If you'd logged in you'd see a totally different picture :wink:
Ah - I see now - I'd mistakenly assumed that this worked more like Github/Bazaar and that my Chisel login would give me access to everything - I see everything now that I log into your repository.

I took a quick glance around, but still not sure I understand the overall method to your build system - it looks like you're not using Woof, correct? Are you developing Fatdog independently of Barry's work, or is there some system for pulling in upstream changes that I'm missing?

Posted: Tue 03 Jul 2012, 05:07
by jamesbond
ldolse wrote:I took a quick glance around, but still not sure I understand the overall method to your build system - it looks like you're not using Woof, correct?
Are you developing Fatdog independently of Barry's work
or is there some system for pulling in upstream changes that I'm missing?
No. We pull "ideas" but not "code". If we do pull code, we patch things manually. Fatdog has now diverged too far from woof for automatic upstream patching to work (diverges in terms of code - but not in term of ideas / ideals). As one says "every dog was once a puppy". :wink:

You should talk to 01micko and pemasu - they strictly follow woof for Slacko and Dpup, while expanding it a little. For more liberal use of woof, talk to Jemimah (Saluki). You can also talk to playdayz who built Lucid Puppy (previous official version of Puppy), who also tracked woof during his "official" tenure.
That said I'm new to Fossil so I guess we'll see how things go as I start making changes to the tree that diverge from trunk. Just curious as to what others have experienced with Fossil in general.
Since you mention github and bazaar, I suppose you're familiar with them, and with maintaining multiple branches of code? Fossil could do the same.

Posted: Tue 03 Jul 2012, 07:00
by ldolse
Thanks for the input - I wasn't all that excited about Fossil since it meant figuring out hosting on top of learning a new VCS. Chisel changes that a lot, and glad to hear you've had good experiences with the site maintainer. Fossil sounds pretty good in general, the integrated wiki/ticketing will make up for learning a new VCS.

It seems like a lot of Puppy developers take a route something more akin to your approach, and to date that's what I've done as well, as my puplet also diverges substantially from the main release. Ideally though I'd like to be able to pull things in from upstream in a controlled fashion, especially with the recent work around ARM support. Since most puplets are more forks than branches I was just curious how challenging it was going to be to go this route as things diverge, but I guess I'll just have to dive in and see.