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audacity 2.0

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 04:14
by espertalhao04
hey guys...
i have tried to create a pet file with all the needed files to run the latest version of audacity (so far, version
this is a i386 version... ... ar.gz.html

here it is the link to download the file...
it's a tar.gz file with 2 pets...
one is the audacity with (hopefully) all the libs and the other one is a critical lib that can be needed or not...
run audacity from terminal and tell me the output...
if you see an error message saying that GLIBXX_3.4.15 whas not found, or GLIBC_2.15 was not found, install the second pet...
it's just to avoid deleting critical files when uninstalling audacity...

p.s.: i had too much problems uploading files and attach them...
to solve that, i created an account on hotfile just to upload my files...

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 11:59
by darkcity
Hi espertalhao04

Nice work, I have recently compiled Audacity 2.0 as well. Will compare notes. I think some forums users may be willing to host large files -small ones are okay to attach to forum. I've been using sendspace but its far from ideal.


Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 15:57
by espertalhao04
I didn't needed to compile anything...
Just went to search for ubuntu packages for quantal and i just had to run from console to check missing libs and searched for them in ubuntu repositories ( and in debian snapshot servers (
Then i started to install lib by lib until i found a weird behavior on Opera 11.60...
Chat on facebook had problems (didn't sent and received messages and images where missing all over the page), some slowlyness and stability problems...
Then i installed the debian package with libc6-2.15 and everything is now working fine...
But the debian package had a problem that made my cpu to be loaded at 100% and i couldn't do anything...
The package never finished to install...
Then i decided to create that small pet with the lib...
It may not be needed in slacko or warry but was needed to me (puppy linux 4.3.1)...
It took 3 days to do this...
I hope it is working...
If you have tested my package, please, tell me the exact output from terminal...
It's important...

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 23:25
by kevin bowers
Just tried your .pets on Lucid 528.004. Sorry no go. Installed Audacity first, got missing lib message, so installed glibc215. I still get the same output from terminal:

sh-4.1# audacity
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by audacity)
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/

Apparently Audacity still cannot find the necessary libs even after installing the .pet. I tried restarting the computer to no avail. Where does your glibc .pet install to?

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 00:38
by espertalhao04
i'm having some troubles to find the right lib...
i've found that in debian snapshot servers...
as soon as i find it, i'll post the link to download and the instructions...

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 00:58
by espertalhao04
i've checked the second pet and it installs to /usr/lib/
it has 2 (relevant) files:


check if everything is ok...

try this on terminal:
strings /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC

the output should be similar to this:


(i've extracted the lib from the pet and put on that folder, since that i have only a pendrive with fat32 filesystem and it deletes the link, which is important for the lib to work)

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 03:34
by kevin bowers
That's just what I get:

sh-4.1# strings /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC
GNU C Library (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.15-0ubuntu11) stable release version 2.15, by Roland McGrath et al.

If I read this correctly, Audacity is looking for the file in /lib rather than /usr/lib:

sh-4.1# audacity
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by audacity)
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
audacity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/

So perhaps add a symlink? I'll try that manually & get back to you, probably tomorrow.

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 03:57
by espertalhao04
try that and tell me the results so that i can post an updated pet...
i've by mistake deleted an older version of libc and Opera got weird...
i put those 2 files in that dir, and everything went ok again...
so, try it...
(right now i'm not trying to use audacity since my savefile is "poisoned" with useless files and there are some pets that i need installed that are not avaiable anymore...)

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 11:53
by darkcity
Here's my attempt at compiling Audacity 2.0.0 for Puppy.


Works on Polarpup 005, Puppy 5.29 (3headed dog), Slacko 5.31, Macpup 528, Dpup Exprimo and Precise . Any feed back welcome, especially how to trim down file size.

Audacity binary and support libs can be installed separately-

Here is a list of the support libraries.(I've tested on polar and slacko. I've included, as slacko doesn't come with this lib)

Code: Select all

If your recording with Audacity you will need to

-set the correct input device, see A 'select input device' (if your using JACK switch it ALSA to select device, then back to JACK)

-turn the capture level up, see D 'capture level up'. Don't confuse Capture with Mic. Mic sets the volume of Mic 'thru' but no the record level.

-you can use Jack to monitor if your system is recording correctly.

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 16:58
by espertalhao04
i didn't needed to compile...
but all the libs included in my pet are from ubuntu and debian...
i've been able to run audacity successfully once...
i didn't done it again because (as i said) my savefile is "poisoned"..
but today i'll try again...
you can check my pet and compare all the libs...
try deleting some libs and check the output...
my advice is to create 2 pets:
one with the audacity bin and all the audacity files (as i got from ubuntu servers) and other with all the required libs...
i've made that version specially to puppy 4.3.1, because it's the version i'm using and i don't have access some needed pets...
they're not available anymore...
but anything i can help, just post here or send pm...

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 20:22
by kevin bowers
I think I'm dead-in-the-water. I found that /lib/, which is where Audacity is looking, is a symlink to, which is apparently too early a version. I tried changing the link to point at'T DO IT! It seems to completely disable Rox and any file operations at all, even opening a new Rox window or any program from the desktop icons. I had to boot to CD and put things back.

Somebody with much more know-how than I must tackle this, at least in Lucid 528-004!

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 20:46
by espertalhao04
try this from your boot cd (without recording session):
1-rename the second pet to .tar.gz (add it to the end)...
2-open and extract the and the symlink to anywhere you want...
3-paste BOTH (first the files at /lib/
4-try running audacity or any program that requires this specific lib, from console...

tell me the results...
i'm trying to get as much info as possible...
so that i can know how to make audacity available to every possible puppy version i can find...

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 21:11
by darkcity
espertalhao04 wrote:...
my advice is to create 2 pets:
one with the audacity bin and all the audacity files (as i got from ubuntu servers) and other with all the required libs...
This is what I've done see above- Audacity works for me on 5.29, Polarpup 005 and Slacko. But haven't tested without first installing jack.

@kevin bowers
did you test the Pets that I posted?

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 21:38
by espertalhao04
i can't test you pets right now...
i have my savefile all "poisoned"...
i'll create a new usb drive and i'll test it...
(sorry but this is the only way to get the most reliable results)...
as soon as i test it, i'll post here or pm...

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 22:35
by darkcity
sorry to hear about your savefile problem, have you tried e2fsck, for example-

e2fsck -y /mnt/home/puppy3head/lucisave-super.2fs

Posted: Mon 14 May 2012, 00:22
by espertalhao04
the problem with my savefile is that i have a bunch of libs that i shouldn't have...
and i have lots of programs and other files that "corrupted" my savefile...
i've installed puppy arcade v5 pet and puppy arcade v8 sfs (by hand)...
and i need some emulators from puppy arcade v5 pet, but that pet is no longer available...
here is my idea:
i have qemu all configurated...
i can copy the files to another pen drive and run it, without needing to reboot and all that stuff...
i'll take care right now...
i tell you the results as soon as possible...

p.s.: if you can find me the pet, i'd appreciate by a lot!!!

Posted: Mon 14 May 2012, 01:29
by kevin bowers
darkcity wrote:@espertalhao04
espertalhao04 wrote:...
my advice is to create 2 pets:
one with the audacity bin and all the audacity files (as i got from ubuntu servers) and other with all the required libs...
This is what I've done see above- Audacity works for me on 5.29, Polarpup 005 and Slacko. But haven't tested without first installing jack.

@kevin bowers
did you test the Pets that I posted?
Sorry, I just finished reinstalling Puppy. Turns out I'd screwed up more than I thought, I somehow managed to lose a lot of libs. It gave me a good excuse to upgrade to LupuPlusLibre528 so it has a happy ending, but I don't think I'll be messing with Audacity 2 anymore, not for a long while anyway. Good luck with your endeavor(s)!

Posted: Mon 14 May 2012, 01:37
by espertalhao04
i got a weird error too...
reinstalled puppy on another pendrive and one of the libs is with a weird compatibility error...
i cannot rely on my results...
i'll have to give up from this...
it seems that puppy arcade v5 (pet) and puppy arcade v8 (sfs) have some needed libs and i can't find which ones...
sorry guys...
if you really want to install audacity 2.0, go to ubuntu packages website and install every package and TRIPLE CHECK every lib that you have and every symlink...
in this case, we can present another disaster...
thanks god you had an happy ending...
in my case, i'd me f*cked!!!
i let my hard drive fall on the floor...
and i can't afford a new one...
but i'll buy a ssd later...

Posted: Mon 14 May 2012, 11:57
by darkcity
I got audacity 2 to work with jack also installed on Slacko, 5.29 and Polarpup 005, see post ... 268#627268 (haven't tested without jack)

which PET file are you looking for?

also, a useful way of checking what's going on in a savefile is is to boot a different savefile/ no savefile, then mount the savefile you wanna check. This will show you JUST what is in that savefile without the pupsfs/basesfs files.
If you wanna to see JUST what is in the pupsfs/basesfs file copy it and mount it, ie copy lupu528.sfs to lupu529-copy.sfs

for more info on the layered file system-

Posted: Tue 15 May 2012, 00:26
by espertalhao04
thanks for your reply, but that doesn't work...
puppy 4.3.1 has a bug that when i start without savefile, it unmount the pendrive and can't find the main sfs: pup-431.sfs
it ALLWAYS does that...
i just really needed the puppy arcade v5 (pet) and i could give you 110% reliable results...
without that pet, i won't do nothing...
i've tryed to boot from another pendrive but i screwed it...
but i'll try again...
just one more time...
i hope to be able to make it run!!!