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Powertop 2.0 for beginners? Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 09:15
by nooby ... .0-release
PowerTOP v2.0 Release
Submitted by ceferron on 10 May 2012 - 1:56pm

PowerTOP is a Linux tool to diagnose issues with power consumption
and power management. In addition to being a diagnostic tool, PowerTOP
also has an interactive mode where you can experiment with various power
management settings for cases where the Linux distribution has not enabled
those settings.

PowerTOP reports which components in the system are most likely
to blame for a higher-than-needed power consumption, ranging from
software applications to active components in the system.
Detailed screens are available for CPU C and P states, device activity,
and software activity.
A naive example from a "noob".

If I allow the Ad in the upper corner of Murga Puppy forum
then my Acer D255 gets totally bogged down in a virtual clay
and refuse to work at all. I can not write nor change page
on puppy forum. I am totally stuck and the only way to get free
is to use NoScript or Adblock to stop that ad in the upper right corner
of puppy forum.

But doing this force me to add url manually writing [ u r l ]
instead of just clicking on the url icon

Will this Powertop 2.0 show me what is causing this huge loss of power? :)

Ooops forgot to give this link to an old thread about PowerTop here

From 2008. Do we have a more recent .pet to try out?

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 11:56
by jobo
is it just ''this ad'' that locks your computer up or some web pages in general ?
which version of puppy are you using ?

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 13:45
by nooby
AFAIK every puppy that I have tested and related to FF using NoScript
addon which I want to use for to protect me from scripts.

I don'tremember how Opera Browser reacts and I have not tested
if Opera has NoScript or similar. I want to use FF.

I am using Lupu528-005 but it behaved like that on earlier versions too.

I don't remember if it happens in Slacko but I trust it has to do with FF
so most likely it has nothing to do with puppy?

I am curious on if this Powertop can tell what is going on or if that one get locked too :)

I only have 1GB and suppose it happens if I open up more than 5 or 7 or 10
puppy forum pages.

So I think it is related to the Ad in upper corner. I don't remember it happen on any other site.

Powertop 2.0 for beginners? Any suggestions?

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 10:15
by Monsie
Hi nooby,

Have you tried using TOP? I assume it comes with most versions of Puppy already --including Lucid Puppy. It will tell you how much your CPU and Ram is being used for any given application or process. I run TOP frequently as a quick check to see how well my system is performing.

I've never used PowerTOP, but my impression from the description you provide, is that it has more to do with your computer system's power management --so that your computer can run in an energy efficient manner.


Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 11:14
by Eyes-Only
Hi nooby!

If it's the ad in the upper-right that's slowing you down to a stand-still then the software that's affecting you isn't so much Firefox per se but "Flashplayer" - as that ad is a flash ad.

You can get various extensions for Firefox which will allow you to disable flash immediately with just a simple checkmark setting, sometimes while even on the page, other times after checking the setting and reloading the page, etc.

For SeaMonkey - and it likewise works in Firefox - I use the "Preference Bar Extension" ( known as "PrefBar" I believe? ) which used to be found at ( but may now be found at the Firefox extension site for all I know... I know very little about these things as I only use two or three extensions myself ).

I really like this extension because it allows you to trigger on/off various browser settings - everything from flash, java, javascript, to clearing caches and changing font sizes with a simple click, and so much more! It may be worth checking out in your case?

I wouldn't run my SeaMonkey at least without it and I'm tempted to try it in Firefox so I don't have to keep going into "plugins" to turn on/off my flash settings. That gets to be a pain.

I hope this helps nooby a little bit from all the times you have helped me? :)


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"

Posted: Sun 13 May 2012, 13:15
by nooby
Thanks to both of you.
I have HTop which show some stats.
I barely get what it says. So much to look at :)

And I have Zigbert's Widget that also show some active things
and how demanding them are.

Powertop I guess one have to install. I wait until I know what it is Hm

Yes you are right it is not firefox as such it is the Adobe Flash that
make it demanding.

Barry Kauler suggest that I would try # killall plugin-container
in urxvy if it get to a total lock and I fail to get firefox going after
that lock up. So that maybe will be a good thing. It does not
change the Flash and I did not ask him about that it where about
getting firefox going when it fail to start.

Anyway. Two workarounds is to not open more than one or at most two
or three tabs that way it does not locks. Another more demanding is
to always write the [ u r l ] manually and not clicking.

I don't want to use both Noscirp and Adblock at same time.
My brain is not that sharp haha.