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change puppy linux 4.3.1 boot style

Posted: Thu 17 May 2012, 17:16
by espertalhao04
Hey everyone...
i'm posting here to ask you how i can change the boot style from puppy linux 4.3.1
I want to make my personal load...
the puppy boot screen is not the most gorgeous thing ever!!!
If possible, can you tell me how can i change it???

Posted: Fri 18 May 2012, 00:40
by espertalhao04
i've found out how to change the boot image...
here is the used method to change the image, and the link to the same:

1- ... 8163333326
2-download the image and save it (this is the one i've used)
3-open it with mtpaint:
a-go to "image" and choose "scale canvas"
a1-on new you choose 640 and you can put a value lower or equal to 480 (recommended: 388)
a2-you might need to unselect the option "fiz aspect ratio"
b-go to "image" and click on "convert to indexed"
b1-on "indexed color to use", you put 16
b2-on "palette", choose "pnn quantitize"
b3-on "dither", choose "dithered"
b4-click on the button "settings"
b5-on "colour space", choose "rgb"
c-go to "file" and choose "save as..."
c1-on "file format", choose "lss16"
c2-(this is not a must) name your file of "logo.16.lss" (to distinguish which file is the new image)
4-open the file "boot.msg" using geany (or any equivalent file editor that supports special chars):
a-in the first line, change "logo.16" to the name of the image (ex: "logo.16.lss")
b-you can change the text color by writing after char "SI" the number of the color. the number of the color can be taken from the image. the color value MUST BE IN HEX (ex:SI0a). the color code will match the color indexed in the image!!!

this was tested using mtpaint 3.31, geany 0.18 and done in puppy linux 4.3.1 ... 103#628103

this is the link where i've posted the original post...
by lazyness, i've just made a copy-paste...
hope you like it...

Posted: Fri 18 May 2012, 05:35
by espertalhao04
here is the result of my boot image (using kemu and the file boot.msg was changed):


I copy the process

Posted: Sat 21 Dec 2013, 04:57
by Pelo
I copy the process. Must run in 2013 ! :P

For americanas puppitas for Latinos.

Posted: Fri 22 Sep 2017, 09:07
by Pelo
2017, Josep2424 ! his spash screens and boots are the nicer that i know.
For americanas puppitas for Latinos.
visa needed for US puppies.