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[FILLED] Docear -academic literature management

Posted: Wed 23 May 2012, 01:52
by Puppyt
Cheers All,
The team at Docear have released a Beta3 update to their application:
[quote]Docear – The Academic Literature Suite

Docear (an allusion to ‘dog-ear’) is what we call an “academic literature suite

Posted: Wed 23 May 2012, 21:41
by 666philb
hi puppyt

this might be better as an sfs as opposed to a pet due to its size. Either way all you need is a .desktop file to get a menu entry. and an icon off google.

i've attached an incomplete pet/sfs so that you can see how it works...... just extract it, then look inside it.
the .desktop file in the /usr/share/applications folder defines the menu entry, open it as text, and you'll see how it works. All i did was take the libreoffice.desktop file out of puppy and changed it to suite. The Icon= line has the path to the icon. and the Exec= line has the path to the executable.

This hasn't got the executable in it, but all you need to do is copy the downloaded and extracted folder from the docear site, to the /opt/ folder inside my attached tar.gz. (you could choose a different location to /opt/ but would need to alter the .desktop file)

so then you have my extracted tar.gz with docear in the /opt/ folder inside.

then open a terminal where my folder is and use

Code: Select all

dir2sfs docear_1.0.0_beta3
for an sfs or

Code: Select all

dir2pet docear_1.0.0_beta3
for a pet

Posted: Thu 24 May 2012, 02:40
by Puppyt
Thanks 666philb -
I'll try your recipe out a little later today - I really didn't consider size issues for sfs vs pet so I hope for better success. I was able to generate icons (48x48 xpm for menu, 128x128 for desktop etc - isn't "mtpaint" fabulous) from a 256x256 png that was packaged with the tar.gz - and slot them in the correct subdirectories for a repackaged pet I made yesterday. I also had made a .desktop file using Firefox as a bit of a template - but will be very interested in seeing what you put for the exec line. The "/opt/" folder suggestion is especially helpful - I don't like application directories hanging off root - but what would I know :)

Posted: Thu 24 May 2012, 05:24
by musher0
Thanks to Puppyt for making us aware that such a program existed, and also to Terryphi for the desktop launcher.

Best regards.

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 01:36
by Puppyt
Meeki has very kindly posted a pet for the build123 Docear update here ... 270#655270. Compiled in LH64, I haven't tested it in any other puppy yet, but meeki assures me it should work in just about any. There are links in that post also to video tutorials on how to create/update your own Docear pets and sfs' too. :)
I found too that the tar.gz for the beta6 of Docear 1.0 here works fine pupzipped straight into Exprimo 5x15, a dpup derivative, and might be OK - raw, as it were - in other puppy environments. It's likely that I used 666philb's recipe above, but I can't recall :oops:
I find XPDF works great with Docear, but am still working out pdf annotations using open-source 3rd party alternatives. xournal looks to be the best bet so far...