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Desktop icons gone from Wary rebuilt after HD crash

Posted: Wed 30 May 2012, 12:17
by scsijon
well, not quite!

what happened is that I had a hard drive crash.

Managed to recover most things like (/root), so I built another wary at the same level, reinstalled my apps, then overwrote the /root and /opt with what I had.

What I ended up with was:

1- instead of drive and the rhs icons, i'm getting small boxes with a red cross in them, they still work ok, just don't display the normal icons.

2- instead of the rest of the normal desktop icons, i'm getting upside down triangles with red borders and a red '?' in the middle.

so something else (config file at a guess) has been stuffed up.

any idea where to start the chasedown would be appreciated.


Posted: Wed 30 May 2012, 12:45
by 01micko
Hi scsijon

hmmm... it's like you did a manual "upgrade"..

Try this, first back up!

Try dropping to console and running /etc/rc.d/rc.update

See how it goes. Take note of any errors if any. Reboot for good measure.


Posted: Wed 30 May 2012, 14:00
by Karl Godt
I can simulate this with the following :
mkdir /ROOT2
mv /root /ROOT2/

Posted: Wed 30 May 2012, 14:26
by Karl Godt
Another thing to mention :

If you copied manually by console with the cp command, then i have to mention, that cp has changed its behavoir a little from Puppy 4 Coreutils 6.9 to Puppy 5 Ubuntu Coreutils 7.4? :

6.9- cp -a did not overwrite existing files , 7.4- does without -i .

cp does not copy .files automatically .

Code: Select all

cp -ai /mnt/sda2/root /mnt/sdc2/

Code: Select all

cp -ai /mnt/sda2/root/* /mnt/sdc2/root/
cp -ai /mnt/sda2/root/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* /mnt/sdc2/root/
I suspect missing .dot directories , links and files in your /root

OR something like


Posted: Thu 31 May 2012, 17:22
by bigpup
Try this:

Boot with Puppy live CD.
Use boot option puppy pfix=ram
fsck your partition.
if Puppy is on sda1.
In a terminal type:

e2fsck /dev/sda1

While still running with the live puppy CD.
Make a copy of PuppyPin file


Put copy on the hard drive where you can find it, after booting the broken Puppy.
Remove live CD.
Reboot with the broken Puppy.
Because you where running the live CD with option puppy pfix=ram. You will be asked about making a save file. Just say no.

If, after rebooting normally, your pinboard (icons) are still gone,


with the copy you made from the live CD boot,
then in a terminal type:


and restart x server or reboot again.

Posted: Sat 02 Jun 2012, 06:30
by scsijon
thanks bigpup, will give it a go.

byw mick the rc.update didn't do anything.

regards all

Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2012, 13:37
by linuph
I have that problem: most icons are some default after a reinstall of lupu_528-005. I followed the instructions of bigpup, but most icons are still default AND now the background is back to default.
I did see an error message on the first startup of the reinstall but did not understand it. Nor do I remember it now, but it mentioned "ROX" and selecting "Option".
I had a minimal install of icons, but they are all there now, with some default image. Again, I selected minimal icons, and yes, minimal icons reappeared but with default icon, except the drive icons, they're ok. The icon switcher doesn't help either.
If I only could remember and understand the error message I got in the beginning....

Right-click on any icon and a menu appears. Choose "ROX-filer" and then "Options". This seems to be the "Options" mentioned in the error message mentioned above. But then I'm lost again....

Edit 2:
Right-click on an icon, choose File '[application name]" and then "Properties". Those application that have a default icon are of the type "application/x-shellscript" or "application/x-executable". Applications with a correct icon are of the type "ROX application". I guess that the above repair method of bigpup therefore works for ROX applications but not for others.

Edit 3:
Icons can be attached manually. Some of the icons can be found in /usr/local/apps (they are the icons that appear) and /usr/local/lib/x11/themes. Let's assume theme "Blue-Moon" is used. Open that directory.
Right-click on an icon, choose File '[application name]" and then "Set Icon". Drag an appropriate icon from the "Blue-Moon" directory onto the "Drop an icon here" window. Done. After a reboot the icons "stick".
Not ideal, but a temporary solution.

Hopefully this gives some insight for more knowledgeable people on this forum. Someone knows how to solve this icon problem?