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Some improvements I'd like to see in Puppy Package system

Posted: Tue 12 Jun 2012, 18:02
by Gnuxo
Ok, after a lot of usage, I came up with some intuitive ideas for the Puppy package system.

1. Auto remove unneeded dependencies. When uninstalling, the ppm does provide a list of no longer needed depends, but then you have to remove them one by one and if you have a lot of things installed, it can be tedious and time wasting.

2. Most puppies come with Axel accelerator by default, so why aren't quickpet, slickpet and some of the larger PPM downloads routed through it?
It would speed up downloads quite a bit.

Those are the only suggestions I have, for now.

Posted: Tue 12 Jun 2012, 19:34
by bark_bark_bark
Auto remove unneeded dependencies. When uninstalling, the ppm does provide a list of no longer needed depends, but then you have to remove them one by one and if you have a lot of things installed, it can be tedious and time wasting.
Dependencies are there for a reason.
Most puppies come with Axel accelerator by default, so why aren't quickpet, slickpet and some of the larger PPM downloads routed through it?
It would speed up downloads quite a bit.
I agree. The Puppy Linux developers would have to do a total redo in the code. I am no official puppy developer, but I sure would hate having to recode an already perfect PPM.

Posted: Wed 13 Jun 2012, 05:40
by Gnuxo
Dependencies are there for a reason.
I agree, however I was mostly referring to having the ppm automatically uninstall unneeded dependencies instead of the user having to manually do it themselves.

Or how about a screen coming up and giving the option to only uninstall those that you no longer need. This will free up space and allow you to install apps that might need the ones you kept.

Improvement hmmmmm!

Posted: Sun 12 May 2013, 20:03
by darry1966
I think improvement would be when installing packages in the latest lot of Puppies, the Package Manager doesn't try to install dependencies twice. Installs packages properly and doesn't try to tell you a program is installed when it isn't, now that's improvement.

To me there is nothing wrong with .pet, Please just make the Package Manager for Precise, Slacko etc work properly it is still not fixed.

In my favourite Pup 4.12 the package Manager did work, it was simple and installed required dependencies as well - simplicity is beautiful.