Ignorance Needed and Supplied (by davec51)

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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Ignorance Needed and Supplied (by davec51)

#1 Post by Raman »

The following was posted on the Puppy2 forum by davec51 on Monday, May 08, 2006, at 1:55 pm. And I quote:

"I'm the equivalent of the German corporal in WWI, supposedly the stupidest man in the army. His value was that all orders were read to him, and only when he could understand them were they distributed to the troops.

"I know very little about computers. Talk of IRQ's and scripts that are "simplicity itself" give me a headache. So I am the one you need if Puppy is ever to come out of the wilderness of Geektoy and enjoy the benefits of general use.

"I booted up Puppy2 yesterday, and with a very few minor glitches it worked first time, beautifully. Congratulations to Barry and all the others who made this the first and best out-of-the-box live CD Linux (I've tried many)."

This is the single best summary of the charm of Puppy that I have personally seen.

Hail Puppy!


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