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How do I compile apps with Python?

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 03:05
by Tman
These, days when I play with Puppy stuff, I am trying to compile different apps. Having learned the basics of how to use GCC compiler, I thought I'd try to learn how to compile Python apps.

Can anyone please tell me what the basic steps to compiling Python apps are?

More specifically, what is the Python equivalent to the following code?

Code: Select all

./configure  --prefix=/usr  ...etc
make install
make install DESTDIR=/my/custom/folder
So far, I've only discovered the following:

Code: Select all

python --fcompiler=gnu build
python install
I not 100% sure if the code above is correct. (input needed)
What code do I need to install the app to a custom folder, so that I can use dir2pet on it?

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 11:37
by tallboy
Python is an high-level, interpreted languge, so no compilation is necessary.


Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 12:58
by muggins
Python apps will often come with

Code: Select all

usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
   or: --help-commands
   or: cmd --help

error: no commands supplied
# ./ --help
Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) build      will build the package underneath 'build/' install    will install the package

Global options:
  --verbose (-v)      run verbosely (default)
  --quiet (-q)        run quietly (turns verbosity off)
  --dry-run (-n)      don't actually do anything
  --help (-h)         show detailed help message
  --command-packages  list of packages that provide distutils commands

Information display options (just display information, ignore any commands)
  --help-commands     list all available commands
  --name              print package name
  --version (-V)      print package version
  --fullname          print <package name>-<version>
  --author            print the author's name
  --author-email      print the author's email address
  --maintainer        print the maintainer's name
  --maintainer-email  print the maintainer's email address
  --contact           print the maintainer's name if known, else the author's
  --contact-email     print the maintainer's email address if known, else the
  --url               print the URL for this package
  --license           print the license of the package
  --licence           alias for --license
  --description       print the package description
  --long-description  print the long package description
  --platforms         print the list of platforms
  --classifiers       print the list of classifiers
  --keywords          print the list of keywords
  --provides          print the list of packages/modules provided
  --requires          print the list of packages/modules required
  --obsoletes         print the list of packages/modules made obsolete

usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
   or: --help-commands
   or: cmd --help
Problems arise when the python you've installed is missing certain modules the particular app needs etc.

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 20:29
by disciple
You might also come across "Python eggs" which require "EasyInstall"

Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2012, 02:41
by Tman
Thank you tallboy, muggins and disciple for the info. It is much appreciated. I didn't know python programs don't need to be compiled. So I guess, they are kind-of like bash scripts then?

So I assume that when I use, I will just look for a "build" folder and use dir2pet on it, after I have renamed it.

I did come across which looks interesting...
It is supposed to turn Python apps into binaries. I haven't tried it out yet, though.

Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2012, 03:26
by disciple
So I guess, they are kind-of like bash scripts then?
Yes, they are Python scripts.
As you might have noticed in Muggins post, you don't need to run `python`. You can just run ``, and it will run, as long as it is executable.

But some programs that are mainly Python might have parts written in another language like C, to get better performance than Python can provide. In that case the C parts would obviously be compiled. Also, Python programs often have dependencies which are Python bindings of C libraries. These are also compiled IIRC.