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fuse_hidden files that fails to be deleted [Solved]

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:01
by nooby
Barkin found threads at Ubuntu that explained that Unix and Linux
is set up that way. When it fail to get deleted then it is another program
that use it and that program keep it reappear despite attempts to delete it.

So a reboot should allow it to get deleted or a unmount mount again.

Kind of odd that google search failed to find a thread about it on our forum.

old text


I found it when I tried to delete a .zip file that refused to get opened.
It change number when I try to delete it. Seems to just recreate itself
renaming like this .fuse_hidden0000713300000007 .fuse_hidden0000713300000006 .fuse_hidden0000713300000005
and so on.

I got it when I downloaded KnoppixSlim from here

Would they not have warned if it where something bad?
Don't they care about their users? I tried to google but the
texts about it was over my grasp of tech language
I will try to delete it using Ubuntu :)

I used Linux Mint 12 to delete the directory I've made for
to install the Knoppixslim file. It where ignored by puppyzip
and any other Archive prog I tested with but I know too little.

I used google link in my signature and found nothing about
fuse_hidden but maybe I used wrong search criteria?

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 15:23
by nooby
Why could Linux Mint12 delete these files while Puppy failed to???
When I told Lupu 528-005 Puppy to delete such a file then
it only renumbered itself. Recreate itself. Most likely from a copy
in RAM? While in LM12 it says it could not put it in Trash
but it could delete it permanently and it sure did. I fail to find it now

So what should I have done in Puppy to delete it permanently?
Maybe boot into another puppy? Or boot into pfix=ram version
and delete it from there? I had it in /mnt/home/knoppixslim subdirectory

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 22:14
by Barkin

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2012, 07:22
by nooby
Thanks Barkin,

interesting to read indeed. One guy there said this:
"This is how Linux and any Unix works but only FUSE exposes these files to the user. In the future we may try to make them unvisible but that's not very simple." from 2008 so most likely they gave up on solving it?

They say that one program keep it alive and that isof program
can tell which program that keep the hidden file working in background.

"The lsof program can tell. Usage: 'lsof full_file_path'."

from here ... ostcount=9
One need to log in to read it maybe?

Thanks for finding that thread. Much appreciated.