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Qalculate for recent Puppys

Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2012, 07:19
by Dromeno
I was looking for a more powerful calculator. My casio calculator can do time calculations (4 hrs 55 mins plus 35 minutes = 5hrs 30 mins etc.) and calculations like 1/3 + 1/4 = 7/12

To my knowledge, for Linux there is only one calculator which can do stuff like that (and a lot more) and that is qalculate. I believe qalculate can do currency conversions as well

There is one puppy which offers it, Legacy OS2, but based on Puppy 2 which means uninstallable on AsusEEE 12xx.

so... if there is a pet of a recent version of qalculate?

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 08:26
by 666philb

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 12:56
by Dromeno
Hi 666philb,

Great - thanks. I am going to try that on lucid 528005. But it looks like you are the creator of this multi-calculator sfs. Is it possible to chop it up /separate it into its constituents as separate pets?

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 13:07
by 666philb
hi dromeno,

i believe the qalculate in that sfs was just grabbed from the PPM with the ubuntu repos enabled (same for most of them).. so that would be the easiest option if that's all you wanted. it has quite a few deps though, 27mb installed.