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DNS selector (namebench)

Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2012, 10:12
by Dromeno
Currently I am using ip-up to instruct puppy to use opendns instead of the dns of my provider. In my case it results in a significant improvement in connaction speed (puppy is instand connected to the wireless at boot, otherwise I have a delay up to half a minute or so). Also, websites load much faster.

In ip-up itself (open it as text file) I have typed the urls of opendns.

But often opendns is not even the fastest one available. There is an open source benchmark tool available which tests the available domain name servers and suggests the best one for your situation:

now I wonder... is it possible to add a functionality in the connection manager of puppy which not only scans for the available networks, but also checks the available dnses, and helps choosing a default one?

it is no big deal but now you have to run namebench, find the best urls and add those in ip-up. This could be automated I think

Posted: Fri 21 Sep 2012, 22:59
by Evil20071
If you are using a router, just set the DNS servers in it and Puppy will get them through DHCP. I'm not at home, right now, but I'll post an example when I get there.

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2012, 01:59
by Evil20071
The screenshot I mentioned earlier.

DNS selector (namebench)

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2012, 10:22
by Monsie

Great tip! I happen to have a very similar router: a Linksys WRT54GC so I suspect the settings and layout are the same... will have to check this out. :)

now I wonder... is it possible to add a functionality in the connection manager of puppy which not only scans for the available networks, but also checks the available dnses, and helps choosing a default one?

it is no big deal but now you have to run namebench, find the best urls and add those in ip-up. This could be automated I think
This is an interesting idea, but not very do-able in my opinion. The function of the connection manager is just that: to connect to a network. One must have this configured before being able to attempt a dns search. Have you run namebench yet? If not, see my thread on namebench over here and I think you will agree that the process takes too long to "automate" it, assuming that your primary interest here is speed of operation. At best, when running namebench, you might be able to modify the python script(s) that governs the results so that the fastest two dns addresses could be outputted to the resolv.conf file. However, all this is saving you is a few seconds for what would otherwise be a simple copy & paste task.


DNS selector (namebench)

Posted: Sun 23 Sep 2012, 07:04
by ETP
Please see the following for an alternative (simpler) method.