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Puppy Linux video Tools For passengers entertainment

Posted: Sun 26 Aug 2012, 21:12
by Pelo
Youtube : capture 852x480, avoids post-processing
Reduce by two values of sound recording, just an advice.
Xvidcap can trace yr mouse, not very fine when watcing the movie. Better is pausing and changing placement of xvidcap.
NEW ! FFMPEG vidcap : ouahhhh ! très bien, home made by a Puppy Linux geek. Full screen, 25 Fps.

XVidCap : records audio and video format MPEG by default, but not only, you are proposes all most usual formats.
Drec : dpuprec for fullscreen, HD quality (EasyCast by Argolance)
RecordItNow : enregistre la portion d'écran voulue et le son, les encode et peut même les publier directement.
RecordMyDesktop : Oldfashioned, bugs, python needed.
SimpleScreenRecorder : Newest available and serviceable for Precise and later
VokoScreen : utilise FFMPEG, fichiers AVI ou MKV, codecs MPEG4 ou H.264, détecte automatiquement PulseAudio.
Screencastor : utilise FFMPEG pour encoder en x264, WebM ou Flash.
Puprecord : forget it !
Pavrecord : settings not easy.
New : Simple Screen Recorder

Drec 2.0 desktop recorder/transcoder (And EASYCAST)

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 11:02
by Pelo
Drec is an application recording all what you do on yr sreen (fullscreen), audio included, if you active capture in alsamixer... and retrovol.
First, Drec save the temporary (.ogv) in the directory that you design in the first step, before recording.

When Drec runs, 'recording' appears top right corner of yr screen. .
'control alt 's' ends recording
Then, background, Drec process the movie (... can be skip to keep .ogv)
Once coding finished, you are proposed to choose format (avi and others) and size (see joined snapshot). Drec will do it in five seconds ! And tell you 'finished !
By typing dpuprec in terminal, you get the same, but terminal inform pemanently of what Drec is doing, I like it.

FFPMEG screencast

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 17:10
by Pelo
Puppy Linux (FFMPEG installé)

Utiliser ​x11grab :
ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+100,200 output.flv
Top left plus (x=100, y=200) format 1024x768.

Audio (Ubuntu) : pulse is a problem
ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+100,200 -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse output.flv

I come back

Posted: Thu 08 May 2014, 06:13
by gcmartin
Bonjour Pelo, est paramètres de ffmpeg vous montrez, nécessaire pour Dpuprec?

Je suis curieux

Can you precise, english accepted

Posted: Thu 08 May 2014, 10:40
by Pelo
Can you precise, english accepted
FFmpeg is the starting point of all applications aiming to screencast.
I shall share my knowledge as far as possible. You are welcome :D
I have translated my here above topic.
I will translate everything, soon. :)

TouTOu 436 filmons nos débuts

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2015, 22:43
by Pelo
TouTOu 436 filmons nos débuts (Drec) :
regarder un film, écouter une chanson, Lire You Tube, taper une lettre
GC Martin, MPEG est à installer. Je le fais.
Gxine va réussir à lire la video en format ogv, je le sens.
Gnome-Mplayer is a perfect media Player, Puppy was clever to choose it as default.

ffconvert has screencast built in and works very well IMO

Posted: Sat 11 Apr 2015, 06:32
by mcewanw
Hello Pelo,

I don't know if you have ever tried the screencast capability of ffconvert by shinobar. Using it, you can select to either capture fullscreen or any selected window. Also, you can use any of its video/audio preset encoder combinations. The capability of screencast has been available in ffconvert since version 1.2.9, though hardly anyone seems to have noticed it being in there (or at least not seen much discussion of it on the forum). I would suggest using only the latest ffconvert version though since there may be improvements/fixes in the code. I believe it is version 1.4.2. ... 1815710568

It works really well in my opinion once you master ffconvert interface.

As an example of how to use it:

Start ffconvert

Select the 'Preset' tab.

In Preset 'Group' list, select MP4

On right hand screen, choose Preset MP4 MPEG4-AVC, and press 'Apply' button.

Go back to 'In/Out' tab.

Click the checkbox for Screen capture (which will automatically include video and audio).

Select Destination directory at bottom of screen and there choose the directory you want the screencast capture to end up. The file captured to that directory will be automatically named x11grab.mp4.

Finally, press the Convert button to start the actual screencast, and follow the pop-up instructions. A little pop-up start/stop capture window will appear near right hand foot of your screen. Just remember to press its stop button when you want to stop capturing your screen.

Hope this works well on your machine.

Cheers, William

DVD players , then i will come back

Posted: Wed 29 Apr 2015, 06:53
by Pelo
Vidcap capture is nice. But for non linuxians people as me, type in teminal FFMPEG commands is too hard.
For people not afraid to learn how to set capture with terminal, OK. But I think they must write them on a paper before.
For geeks. Not for cineast

Drec by Gposil : default settings

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2016, 02:36
by Pelo
GC Martin : "Bonjour Pelo, est paramètres de ffmpeg vous montrez, nécessaire pour Dpuprec?"
Sorry for late answer. Dpuprec has its settings defined in the program. To change them change the program with Geany.
As the fit my needs, i never changed them.
However .ogv is the extension video is recorded. Drec ask for post processing to anothr format and size. I I scrap this part 2, and keep OGV (HQ, and MBs are less)
I would say, in 2016) SSR SimpleScreenRecorder is really the best tool. Absolutely perfect. Serviceable on Precise and Tahrpup, Vivid etc...
Avidemux will cut and Glue (past) your video (Couper coller)
Openshot runs well with Slacko 533thin, and promise it for other Puppies. you can modify your video with You tube if your browser version is up to date.
Wat is missing i n this team is Alexandra, manage your video collection and connect your Media Player.

SSR by adding two Qt libs only (or symlink them)

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2016, 04:09
by Pelo
SSR Simple Screen Recorder can be used on Precise Puppy by adding two Qt libs only (or symlink them) ; libQtcore and (see screenshot)
Here French ToOpPy version 1.0 (Precise 5.4.3)

SSR for Dpup Wheezy ?

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2016, 15:41
by Pelo
SSR for Dpup Wheezy ? jump here page 52, smithy will help. His package is ready for use. Bravo !

Alexandra : As GCstar, no need to compile something

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2017, 12:00
by Pelo
Alexandra will managee your videos and play them (with default video player). XenialDog is the easiest way for installing. As GCstar, no need to compile something, no need to mount devx.

Multimedia : my god this Wary will play everything

Posted: Mon 22 May 2017, 09:37
by Pelo
Multimedia : my god this Wary will play everything
Wary 511
Bluetooth ? 3D ? of course no, Wary won't dance on that.

screencasted with ffconvert.. succesfully.

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2017, 06:14
by Pelo
mcewanw , yes i recently screencasted with ffconvert.. succesfully..i am quite an expert now, and i can enter needed commands in terminal. Nevertheless list of choices makes easier , even if that is not perfect. As i only load my MP4, avi, or flv to You Tube and Facebook, ffconvert presets are what we were looking for.
unfortunately, behind these qualities, you have to measure dimensions, if fullscreen is not neede. Fullscreen sure is easy, but lot of MBs binoculars needed if useful information is in details somewhere in the screen.
Important info for you. Stressed Dog provides SSR simple screen recorder, see topic DebianDog, feed back from passengers, for multimedia section.