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ExtCalc Request as a .pet for Exprimo or Debian

Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2012, 16:11
by Eathray
Hi guys,

Just getting the kiddo up and running on his first day of school...

Could I make this request for ExtCalc? The kiddo mainly uses Exprimo for school; I was hoping for a .pet if not a lot of trouble. If there's one out there that I haven't found, a link would be great... thanks.

Muggins, I know you did one a while back, and looked really good. Care to update?

Thanks all,


Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2012, 16:12
by Eathray
I meant, first day of the school year... not first day of school ever :D

8'th grade.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2012, 16:24
by Eathray
Also, I know the tar is available at sourceforge, but I seem to screw up tars half the time I try them... I just don't know why :oops:

If there were very good instructions to do the tar for Exprimo, that would be great too!

Thanks once more,


Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 12:21
by 666philb
hi Eathray,

extcalc is in the exprimo ,puppy package manager (PPM)

1. start the PPM,
2. type extcalc into the find box
3. choose the 'search all repositories' option (the PPM should find extcalc_0.9.2.1)
4. click on extcalc and choose the 'examine dependencies' option (this will find it's needed deps)
5. then click the 'download-and-install selected packages' option

extcalc is now installed and works, but doesn't appear in the menu because of differences in labeling between debian and puppy ..... so i've attached a pet to create a menu entry.... install it AFTER installing extcalc.

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 13:42
by Eathray

Awesome, thank you so much. I'm on it. And thanks as well for the entry.


What is the use of Extcalc ?

Posted: Sun 30 Sep 2012, 01:54
by Pelo
It should be a general rule on this forum.
Because ... Its very kind for readers. To avoid to check each post on internet.
Sorry for my bad humeur. Désolé.

Extcalc is a scientfic graphic calculator for Linux.
Extcalc is designed to use the full performance of a modern Computer for mathematical calculations.

OK; I'am not interested by this subject.

Re: What is the use of Extcalc ?

Posted: Sun 30 Sep 2012, 02:10
by rcrsn51
Pelo wrote:It should be a general rule on this forum.
Here is another rule. If you ask for help in one thread, like here, you should answer it before posting messages in other threads.

Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2012, 22:39
by Galbi
When starting in this marvelous world of Free Software, I think I was very lucky. One of the first things I read was this:

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2012, 20:24
by RSH
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