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PoppyMenu and StdDlgs ... Ver. 1.1

Posted: Wed 12 Sep 2012, 07:55
by sunburnt
The download attachment: is a dir. UnZip it anywhere.

I bundled the GTK+ file dialogs and the message dialog into 2 execs.
File dialog is: File Open, File Save, and Dir. Open.
File Save and Dir. Open dialogs can make a new dir.
# For help type: stdDlgs
Msg. demo. type: /(path)/stdDlgs -mi 1 -f /(path)/stdDlgs.msg
... There`s other demos also showing how the dialog sizes itself.
OR type: /(path)/stdDlgs -mw 2 Hi Puppy Linux fans!

I also made a popup menu as I can`t find one I like.
It uses vovchik`s picscale app. to resize the icons for the menu.

# For help type: poppyMenu ?
Menu demo. type: /(path)/poppyMenu

PoppyMenu has icons and allows flexible paths for exec. and icon files.
Perhaps too many search possibilities, PoppyMenu is a little slow on my old PC.

If you find them useful for a project, let me know what you`re using them for.
I made a simple version of the menu especially for AppPkg applications.
They were made with the BaCon Basic Converter, so are C exec. files.

### Version 1.1 , Rewrite and new features.
# Lots of testing, if you find bugs please report them here...

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2012, 02:18
by sunburnt
A complete rewrite of poppyMenu and fixes for stdDlgs.

Please report any bugs here, so I may crush them with extreme prejudice. :wink:

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2012, 03:54
by Geoffrey
I tried this in Saluki, the font is a little to big for some themes 8)

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2012, 07:09
by sunburnt
Hi Geoffrey; Thanks for the feed-back. It`s font size 12, but bolded.
Yeah, getting things to work in different Linux setups is a nightmare.
There`s just no way to account for how the final text will be displayed.

I`m checking on a possibility for getting the text`s actual rendered size.
This is the only way that I know of to overcome all the variability.

I guess I should have made an option for setting the font size.
I`ll look into that tomorrow...

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2012, 19:08
by sunburnt
Geoffrey; Try this and post a pic for me to see.

What bothers me is that the app`s font is set to: FONT Liberation Mono bold 12
So it shouldn`t change, but we all know how that works out...
Your pics look like the font isn`t changing with your font setting.
But the text size is being effected. (Odd)

I`d hoped it wouldn`t be necessary for users to set the GUI dimensions.

# NEW OPTION: "TextSize". It sets the width and height.
# Try adding: TextSize = 7 to the top of your poppy.mnu file.

Posted: Sun 23 Sep 2012, 02:28
by Geoffrey
I tried it with all themes, only 2 have a height problem with the font, Moblin Slim and moblin Netbook, but all themes don't show all the text.

Setting the custom DPI to 66 shows all.

Posted: Sun 23 Sep 2012, 03:19
by sunburnt
Yeah, and I forgot to mention that I increased the button height from 20 to 22.
You can tell the difference in the two sets of pics you posted.

### Geoffrey... Did you add the Width = 7 option to the file: poppy.mnu
It doesn`t look like the menu`s size changed any ( but it`s hard to tell ).

I think I`ll try making the size option vary the height as well as the width.

Thanks for the help Geoffrey, look for the revised test file soon... Terry

Posted: Sun 23 Sep 2012, 04:04
by sunburnt
### NEW test file posted above.

# Be sure to use the new option: TextSize if the menu is too small.

Add at the top of the file poppy.mnu: TextSize = 7.5

Then try: 8, 8.5, 9. Until it`s the menu is the correct size.

Try changing the font size to see if that effects anything.
And try stdDlgs to see how it displays. Please post pic.

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2012, 03:51
by sunburnt
As there`s new options added, the version is now: 1.1

PoppyMenu now has a menu file option: TextSize = (7 is default)
Demo.2 is an example of the new option.

StdDlgs has an added MsgDialog command line option: -s WxH
Example command: stdDlgs -mi close -s 300x200 This is a test.
Example command: stdDlgs -mi close -s 300x200 -f (Msg. File)

This should fix any size problems.
Please report all bugs here... Terry

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2012, 06:46
by Geoffrey
A belated reply, I just tried version 1.1 , this is better though textsize 7.5 is better still.

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2012, 21:55
by sunburnt
Hi Geoffrey; It kinda looks like PoppyMenu should be fully controlled like StdDlgs is.
The height is growing more than it needs to compared to the width.

Maybe the dimensions ( WxH ) should be for the longest button?
That way the height of all buttons is controlled, and the width of the longest button.
The icons size themselves to the height of the buttons.

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2012, 23:38
by sunburnt
Here`s Alternate-2 release candidate.

# ALT-2 has a bug fix for IconPath, the "/" was not added to the end.

The alternate ver. uses WxH to set the dimensions of the longest button.
See Help...

In the file: PoppyMenu-StdDlgs_1.1/poppy.mnu-2
Change the first line: TextSize =
To this: Btn-Size = 120x32
This will give a menu of large buttons and icons.

Now the user can fine tune the width and height independently.

I think that this is the best setup for PoppyMenu.
Feed back is appreciated. Which is the best one?

Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 03:59
by sunburnt
Hey Geoffrey; I just noticed that your pics show demo. 2 not having all the icons.
It`s only happening when the menu is sized it seems.
I`m guessing if you run PoppyMenu in rxvt you`re getting 3 errors in demo. 2:
### ERROR: Icon not found: (icon)

That means that IconPath is not working properly for you, it works fine for me.
Can you confirm this? I`ll be looking at it, I thought it was all working.

### ALT-2 has a bug fix for IconPath, the "/" was not added to the end.
( I just can`t see why it was working for me...)

Geoffrey... Could you please try it and post a pic.